Frustration is an Obstacle to Be Overcome — Be the Solution!

Frustration! We have all felt it at one point or another in our busy lives. The ability to overcome obstacles lowers our frustration level and allows us to move forward. Cell phones die, people show up late, gas prices rise and you can’t seem to get a show. How do you get past it? How do you get through it? Well here are a few ideas to help you do just that.

First things first focus on the problem or obstacle not how it happened or who is to blame. Next always keep this in mind, “This too shall pass”! Meaning basically that it is transitory. You should live your life and move on through it find the solution. Be more like Winnie the Pooh. Whats one of Pooh’s most famous lines? “Oh Bother”! Pooh Bear is very Tao in how he lives his life. He is very relaxed and calm he simply keeps on going. A great book written on the subject, The Tao of Pooh. Get yourself a copy and embrace the bear. Yes I’m serious it helps.

The second thing you can do is find someone who regularly deals with the same kind of obstacles that makes you frustrated day in and day out. Talk with them. Maybe over coffee from your favorite coffee house. Don’t pick the friend who is really just a martyr without a cause though. They typically will want to dwell on the problem and place blame or try wishing it away. Find someone who embraces the bright side of everything. With two minds working on the problem chances of finding that solution increases. These people are called Optimists. If you are not an optimist yourself find someone who is and help share the load. Tell them what your facing and ask them to help you stop focusing on the cause, and find the solution.

Another great choice is to go to the library and look for books to help you find those solutions yourself. I specify the library because it is a great resource that is often overlooked. Thinking that no one has ever faced the same challenges that you are is a sure way to become overwhelmed. Use the library to find others who overcame and be inspired by them. The library also provides some well deserved peace and quiet, no noise, no outside distractions. They make you turn off your phone too, so people can’t interrupt your quiet time.

The best thing to do, the most effective and rewarding is this. Find away over the wall or through it. Dig under it, use explosives if need be. Don’t ever focus on how you got in front of the big wall, focus on how you’re getting past it. Make a list of ways past the blockage. Doing this becomes a habit and eventually you will simple move right through it just like Pooh Bear. Remember there are no walls only solutions, focus on your solution today!

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