Five Signs it is Time to Quit Your Job

The perfect job only lasts as long as the company and the position lasts. Thousands of people have stories about losing a job based on company downsizing or because the company unexpectedly went bankrupt. You should be aware of five signs that it is time to quit your job.

Lack of Promotion

When you begin working for a company, you do so with the hope and belief that it will lead to other opportunities within the company, but those future jobs do not always materialize. After working with a company for over two years, I learned that my supervisor was leaving. She suggested I apply for the job, but stated that the company wanted someone with an advanced degree. I was six months away from finishing that degree, but the company hired a former intern that had just started on the degree. Within six months, I lost my job before I could quit.

Less Responsibilities

One sign that your job is coming to an end occurs when you find yourself with less responsibilities. Suddenly, your supervisors give the more important tasks to co-workers or hire other workers for a position similar to yours. Once you find yourself with less responsibilities and job tasks, you have two options: wait until you receive your pink slip or quit.

Internal Stress

No job is worth keeping if you find yourself battling stress on a daily basis, even when away from the office. You might find yourself battling ulcers or stomach pains, having stress headaches, losing sleep, and losing your appetite. All those symptoms are signs of stress, often caused by your job. If your job becomes too stressful to handle, it is time to quit.

Lack of Motivation

Nearly everyone remembers the iconic scene in “Office Space” where Peter tells says, “I don’t think I’m going to go anymore” in regards to his job. Most of us had a similar reaction about work because we do not feel motivated to do work anymore. You should feel excited, or at least happy about your job. When you reach the point where you no longer have any motivation and dread each workday morning, it might be time to quit.

New Positions

It is time to quit your job when you find a better position elsewhere. With the employment rate high, it is difficult to find another job in your field that pays the same or comes with the same benefits. If you can find another job in a field you like, then by all means quit your current job. Everyone deserves the chance to get paid for doing something that they enjoy.

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