Evandely, Evans World

The bull elk had bugled every time John had called to it, but did not seem inclined to leave his harem to go searching for the one cow that kept calling to him out here in the brush.

This was the third time in three days that John had found this particular bull and after several close calls in which the big 5 x 7 bull had come almost within his sights: only to swerve off of the trail before coming into range. John was getting desperate and considering trying to stalk the bull even though everything he knew about hunting these large animals told him that would be foolish. When a bull elk was hanging with his harem they’re were just two many eyes to avoid and one of those wary cows would be guaranteed to spot him trying to creep up on them.
He was pretty sure that the bull had sensed or smelled something that it had not liked and had simply turned away from it. John was also pretty sure that it hadn’t been anything he himself had done. The bull had smelled a bear or lion, maybe a wolf either way something had frightened it and John was getting annoyed. He was determined that if it happened again he was going to go hunting for whatever it was and remove it from the equation.

John had been hunting this range of hills for ten years bagging his first bull at the age of fourteen and killing one every year since then, several had been nice but this was easily the biggest he had ever seen. His success rate had not come from being impatient.

His only hope was to be “netchy” (patient), smiling ruefully to himself John let his mind drift over the word Netchy he didn’t know where the word had come from but it always spoke patience unto him, “be patient don’t rush, think before you act, plot your course, don’t act rashly the world is not going to disappear in the next few minutes.

Netchy had come to embody everything that he had tried or hoped to accomplish, a philosophy that he had chosen to live by. Be patient, patiently wait until someone notices you, patiently wait for Gods will, patiently wait for the right women and the right relationship. Netchy it had became a way of life, reminiscent of how his ancestors the Nez Perce had trained and broke their wonderful mounts The great spotted paloose.

But for John Rainhorse his patience had became something of a trap, he was in a rut and could not or did not want to get out of it, he had gotten entirely to comfortable where he was at. Even his yearly hunting trips had became routine, comfortable, predictable.
Grunting once more on the elk call John heard the Bull bugle back in reply. Was it closer this time? it sure sounded closer, maybe his patience was finally paying off.

A few minutes later he called to the bull again and when the answer came back it was indeed closer. Five minutes later John saw the enormous 5 X 7 antlers floating above the brush and coming in his direction. Easing his position a little John released the safety on the Remington 30 06.

It was then that he felt the hair on the nape of his neck stir and stand up: Something was watching him! He couldn’t move the bull was entirely to close, But he dearly wanted to turn around and see what was behind him his pulse was beginning to race. Something was out there and it was watching him it might be hunting him. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead shifting his eyes slowly in the direction of the bull John noticed that in only moments the bull would be out in the open and In range.

But Johns skin was beginning to crawl, it felt like hundreds of spiders were crawling over his back: he had to turn, he had to know what was behind him and then a stick cracked, spinning around quickly John brought the rifle to his shoulder, not ten feet behind him was the largest most unusual and frightening tiger that he had ever seen in his life and it was crouched ready to spring.

His shot was entirely to quick and saw the heavy slug tear through the branches and limbs over the monsters head pelting it with bits of leaves and pieces of wood.

The creature screamed in fright and jumped up on two legs, shedding the skin as the young woman it had hidden quickly ran away.
Wait! he shouted the big bull forgotten, as he went racing after the woman, who didn’t even slow down when the air in front of her begin to shift and shimmer. She charged through the shimmering veil and disappeared.

Insanely John rushed after her slowing down only long enough to grab the tiger skin from the ground where she had dropped it. However before reached the shimmering veil his sanity and caution tried to return and he attempted to stop but something shoved him through the veil.

Chapter Two
John landed on his face somehow managing to keep his hands on the rifle as he rolled over to see what had shoved him and defend himself if necessary. When the sky came into view he almost dropped the rifle O My God he exclaimed.
Hanging high over head was an enormous blue planet, With the sun was sitting in the northern sky. Where am I? John said looking around in bewilderment, He was sitting on an open plain, when only minutes before he had been hunting a heavily wooded ridge line. Somewhere nearby he could hear a creek or river meandering over rocks and the shimmering veil was gone.
This isn’t happening I must be dreaming he tried rationalize but the weight of the rifle and the large tiger skin he was holding begged to defer.
The skin was beautifully tanned with everything including the head attached, it was like yet unlike any other tiger he had ever seen the stripes were blue and yellow and the two colors gave it a slight green shimmer the head was over twelve inches across and had two formidable looking canines protruding from each side of its mouth. This was not a creature he would want hunting him for real.
Then the questions started Where am I? How did I get here? Where is here? Where did the woman go? How do I get back? What if I can’t? I am expected home in two days if I don’t get home everyone is going to be worried to death, What if I have already been here two days? Mom and Dad will be worried sick, Dad don’t need that kind of worry, not with his heart problems, he had had a serious heart attack about two years ago and had needed a triple bypass.
The doctors had told him that he had a weak valve and didn’t need any unwarranted stress in his life. They recommended that he retire from his high stress civil engineering job and enjoy what life he had left because the patch job they had done would not hold forever and when it failed it probably would do so without warning.
So his parents had retired and made attending The Search for Truth Apostolic Lighthouse a priority in their lives. This was the church that John attended as well and they went together every Wednesday and Sunday. John dearly loved the praise and worship that seemed to attend every service.
Pastor Lewis was found of saying “When the praise goes up the glory comes down.” and he was right as the saints lifted their hands and shouted unto God with a voice of triumph, the power of God would fall. People would fall out in the floor, dance all over the church, be filled with the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues. The sick would recover, the lame would walk, the deaf hear, The mute speak in a language they had never heard and blinded eyes would see.
Last week an evangelist and his wife had preached a two week revival at the church, She had been diagnosed two years ago with terminal cancer. The doctors had given her two months to live, after she had survived the two months the doctors had allotted her she returned only to be told that they didn’t know how it had happened but the cancer was gone there was not even a trace of it in her body.
When they had arrived at the church for this revival their faith was running over and God had done wonders. This couple prayed for his dad and he had claimed a complete healing for his heart he was just waiting for the doctors to confirm it. Maybe his dad would be alright but he still didn’t want to worry him and his mom.
John was getting thirsty and really needing to pee but there wasn’t any trees on this open plain, no place to hide, unless he walked out of this flattened depression into the head high grasses surrounding him. Something about the flattened grass kept niggling at Johns conscience, and then he remembered what it was a couple of years ago John had went on a long hike in the plains and had jumped a couple of wild buffalo from their beds. These depressions were a lot like the ones that the buffalo had made only much bigger. Clearly something massive had bedded down here and had been grazing on the grass around their bed.
John started walking in the direction of the creek and after pushing his way through the grass for a few minutes he relieved himself and then continued going in the direction of the creek. Theorizing that everything that lived needed water including people, so if he followed the river it would lead him to civilization such as it was and besides he might be able to get himself a drink and fill his canteen..
Involuntarily he thought of snakes “I wonder if there are snakes in this world”? He hated snakes. Or what if one of those big tigers was even now stalking him? John had already reloaded the rifle and set the safety but at this thought he released it. “Just in case.”
In just a few minutes He emerged on the bank of the large shallow river running free and clear. It was so clear that he could make out every detail on the bottom of the river and even see large trout swimming complacently there. “This would be quite a fishing hole.” He thought absently.”
Knelling down John scooped up a hand full of water and brought it to his mouth as he was drinking he was reminded of a Bible story he had read recently Gideon had been chosen by God to lead his people out of captivity, But God had told him he had too many soldiers to win the battle, and had then told Gideon to lead his army down to the river for a drink and to watch as the men all got themselves a drink. The ones that lifted water to their mouths for a drink he was to keep, but if they leaned over and drank straight from the creek he was to send them home. Only three hundred out of the ten thousand had drunk from their hands.. By those three hundred God said he would defeat an army of tens of thousands. Needless to say this left Gideon uncertain and frightened. So he prayed asking God for direction.
John was certainly uncertain and frightened and that seemed like good advice. “Jesus you are the creator of everything even this strange and alien world and your word says that no matter where we are you can find us, I don’t know where I am or if I can even find my way home. Please help me I am frightened and definitely out of my comfort zone. “Suddenly in this place of deep solitude away from the distractions of life John felt the presence of his savior in a very real way, the air fairly rippled with Gods presence “Peace John, be not afraid even here in this far away land I Am with you. To this appointed place to this appointed time I have brought you. Very soon someone will be there to help you go with him and be not afraid. He doesn’t know it yet but he needs you as much as you need him.
Never before had John heard God speak to him so plainly and it shook him to his knees. Knelling there by this alien river John Rainhorse heard his savior for the very first time, tears flowed freely down his young face as he worshiped the King of Kings.

Chapter Three
Arise John let us be going! John heard as a second voice begin speaking, and then a tall blond headed man stepped through the veil, appearing from nowhere.
Are you the one that is to come? John asked
“Yes” I am Evan and this is Evandely My garden, My Creation.
“Your creation?” John asked somewhat confused, “Are you God?”
“No definitely not, I am one of his six created sons. Created not begotten. We were Created to rule the angels of Heaven and to serve the righteous in all of the universe.
Many years ago The Father called us all of together and gave us a gift. He reminded us that throughout the universe there are spaces of vast emptiness and he wanted us to choose one of these places for ourselves, a place to call our own. Then He gave us power too create anything that we wanted and place it there in, it was to be our garden, our solar system and we would be responsible for it, I grew Evandely and the creatures thereof.
Am I dead? John asked, Because if I am not dead than I must be loosing my mind.
No Evan said amused You are not dead nor are you loosing your mind. you have simply been transported to another solar system dimensionally, We meaning the angels and demons are dimensional beings and can travel dimensionally at will, most mortals however can not without help,
On every planet there are pathways that will allow a mortal to travel between worlds and some of our created ones: meaning the intelligent lifeforms that we create have on occasion stumbled into one of these portals and been transported to another world. Some have even learned where they are and how to anticipate where one will appear and wait for them so they can visit other worlds. My people, I call them The Vand have learned to do that and do so regularly.
There was a young women hiding under this skin , I didn’t know it and I shot at her thinking she was a tiger about to attack me. I followed her here, fortunately I missed but I was afraid that she might be hurt and need help. John confessed.
I assure you she is safe, a little scratched and badly frightened but safe Evan told him.
Who is she?
Netchy de la Shey. One of the Vand of the La Shey tribe.
La Shey?
The Tribe of the Long Toothed Tiger. There are Three tribes on Evandely: The La Shae, The La Brae and the La Lae.
Curious John had to ask what Netchy meant.
“Patient.” Her Name means “the patient long toothed tigress”, Evan told John.
Is she married? John asked before he even realized what he was going to say.
No Netchy is not married, she awaits The one who will be called the Netcho, The Patient one.
“Lucky man” John commented. Is that someone from here?
The Netcho is the one that is from elsewhere but belongs here. Evan told him.
There you are Evan another voice said from out of nowhere, This one was dark and ominous and sent an chill up and down Johns spine. Then the air begin to shimmer and another tall man stepped through his visage matched his voice Dark and Ominous.I have been looking for you little brother. Where have you been hiding, and then he noticed John and asked What have you got there? He is not one of yours?
No Luce he is one of Yeshuas.
Yeshua! The dark one snarled his voice dripping with sarcasm and contempt. What is one of his doing here?
I am not entirely sure Luce, but Yeshua told me to meet him here.
How interesting Luce stared at John. Well Evan don’t just stand there introduce me.
John this is my brother Luce, Evan said flatly. Clearly there was not a lot of love between these two brothers.
John is it? I have known several Johns in my life and I didn’t like them either. What are you doing here, and more importantly how did you get here?
I don’t know. John answered for himself, and by the way I don’t like you either.
Why you insolent little mortal Luce growled, You don’t know who you are talking to. I could touch you and you would break out in sores, I could close my hand upon your heart and snuff your puny little life out in an instant.
Careful Luce Evan cautioned, this is one of Yeshuas anointed, A chosen one, don’t you see the mark of Yeshuas presence upon him. You know what His Word says “Touch not my anointed and do My prophets no harm.”
Lucifer!! John exclaimed.
Oh you do know me then? Lucifer seemed delighted to be recognized.
By reputation only and I Rebuke you in Jesus name. John said emphatically.
Lucifer flinched, Don’t use that name around me. He threatened.
John felt more than saw Lucifer move against him, but whatever he had tried to do did not take root. Steeling himself John pulled up his faith and said Lucifer I command you in the name of Jesus Christ begone!!
I am going Lucifer growled But first I came to give Evan a message. You should have listened when Yeshua told you that Evandely was to close to Yair, and then he disappeared.
What have you done Luce Evan asked panic edging his voice.
Come and see little brother, come and see Lucifer said as he faded away. I am sure you will find it most entertaining.
John I am sorry, I wanted to stay with you longer and take you to Netchies village myself but I have got to go and see what Luce has done.
If you will cross the river here and follow it upstream about two miles you will find the village by and by. When you arrive there say unto them Netesha a la tres le Shae. This is the traditional greeting of the La Shae. It means “I greet you in the spirit of the Le Shae and is a request for their hospitality.
If you meet a betaloose herd just pass them on by, however if you meet a La Shae, La Brae or La Lae be ready to use that Rifle, with that final admonition Evan disappeared as he faded from sight
John heard him say “Oh My Lord” and then nothing else.
Crossing the river as he had been instructed John looked up in time to see a large meteorite go screeching across the sky. It landed miles away with a loud boom that could be felt even where he was at.
Was that all that Lucifer had done was send a large meteorite into Evandelies atmosphere, not very creative he thought, but even as he thought this a second and third meteor went streaking across the sky along separate paths.
Arriving at the village an hour later John had only seen one more meteorite, however when he stepped into the village a fifth one went barreling across the sky.
A welcoming commitee was approaching him and as soon as they got close enough to hear him he said Netesha a la tres le shae. Surprised that he could still remember the words.
Telesh one of the men said with a welcoming gesture.
Lifting the skin John asked can I see Netchy, this is hers, They all recognized her name if nothing else several called out for her “Netchy?”
Cautiously she approached, she was tall almost as tall as John. Her hair was long. blond and curly the color of burnished gold and she was beautiful and John found himself completely and hopelessly in love, Netcho whoever he was was going to be a lucky man.
I believe this is yours he said handing her the La shae skin. There was bark in her hair and a nasty scratch on her cheek a silent testimony to just how close he had come to killing her.
I am very sorry he said pointing at the scratch she was absently rubbing. God he was glad he had missed.
Wa se ot a Netchy she asked him and to his amazement he could understand her words, Why did you shoot at Netchy.
I was frightened by your la shae, but it came out E las frazen lae may la shae, e amos to savar Netchy I am sorry Netchy.Forges la. Forgive me.
John was amazed not only could he understand her language he apparently could speak it now. Then the scripture that said “With the tongues of men and angels will I speak with these my people.” Came back to Johns memory, with a new and surprising revelation Even Here the Holy Ghost would help him
As another meteorite went screaming by the largest one yet.
Des ita nolese chumae goten omas? Netchy asked. Do you know what is going on?
Na sar Netchy, Levan saytas iat. Evas on es dons sumply is mie bay ite.
I am not sure Netchy, Evan said that Luce has done something, this might be it.

Chapter four
When Evan had left John standing by the river, he followed Luce into space and the first thing that he saw was a line of meteorites hurtling through space. Some were fairly close and fairly large others were farther out but all were headed for Evandely. The meteorites in them selves did not concern Evan many of them would burn up before they landed but some of the others would still be pretty large when they landed on Evandelies surface. A meteor shower no matter how large was paltry compared to what Luce usually did, Evan thought: but then he saw it.
“Oh My Lord behind the line of meteors was a small rogue moon that had apparently broken out of its orbit somewhere and was now barreling through space destroying everything in its path. Many of the meteorites preceding it were chunks of the moon that had broken off from impacts with large asteroids and much of the scattered debris was the shattered remains of those asteroids. The rogue moon was on a collision course with Evandely and when they collided it would drive his world into the gaseous center of Yair destroying all three.
Father of Heaven can you see what Luce has done, help me please I don’t know what to do. My people, my Creation will be destroyed, I must save my people.
Calm down Evan it will be alright, don’t panic. Think Evan I will help you and your people Yeshua promised, but first you must have a plan. You can not stop all of these meteorites alone and shouldn’t have too. Just stop the larger ones and the little ones will burn up in the atmosphere, above all else you must stop the rogue moon. the little ones will do little damage but that rogue will destroy everything in its path.
Yeshua knew what to do and could have done it but this was Evans Garden and he had to rescue it, that was the rule, Yeshua would only interfere if Evan failed to.
You need to protect your people Evan that is your first priority. Yeshua told him.
I could make my body a shield and cover all of Evandely, Evan suggested.
Yes you could, but to cover all of Evandely even as small as it is will stretch your body so thin that even the smallest of meteors will crash through your shield.
I could push all of the meteors back. Evan Said.
That would work as well if you could push them all including the rogue at the same time. But if you will look closely you will notice that the rogue has split in half and even if you were successful at stopping the meteors and one half of the rogue the other would crash into Evandely with the same result.
The rogue was so close that Evan could now feel its magnetic field coming within that of Yair and this would simply increase the speed in which the rogue would collide with Evandely.
Evan you are running out of time Yeshua reminded him, push has come to shove or pull will prevail, I can feel the magnetic pull of Yair drawing them together.
Push pull magnetic Yeshuas words finally registered in Evans mind Magnetic field, Reverse polarity the idea fell in place and then died I can’t do that Yeshua I haven’t the power.
But I have the power Evan My son, Go and warn your people Yeshua told him.
Evan turned and rushed to the village of the La Shae, looking up as he arrived he could see the Rogue and when all seemed lost he felt the polarity of Evandely reverse becoming positive instead of negative allowing the release of everything on its surface from the restraints of gravity, including any and all living things, Everything was shot out into space Where the glory of the Holy One caught them up and carried them out of the way of the rogue and its satellites.
When the positive magnetic field of Evandely met that of the Rogue and its satellites, the clash of the magnetic fields launched the rogue and its satellites out into space, Unfortunately it also knocked Evandely out of its precarious orbit sending it crashing into Yair where it was absorbed into the molten core of the Gaseous planet.
The Rogue moon sailed through space and time where it continued to break apart leaving tons and tons of Space junk all along its pathway. In time the center portion of the large rogue traveled many light years away where it entered into the southern side of the Cruxsix Solar System the Garden of Evans younger brother Cruxshua.
A few hundred years pass and The Vand remained cocooned with all life in Yeshuas Glory.
The gas giant Yair no longer exist it has been transformed into a large yellow sun and has been shoved out into the Center of the large empty place Evan had chosen for himself. There it became the center point for Evans new garden. Evandely as it had been originally created had been small and very simple. He had barely even used a tenth of the space he had chosen. However from this early creation Evan had learned a lot and when he decided to rebuild the solar system of Evandely he went about it right way.He leaned heavily on Yeshuas great wisdom and better Judgement and did a better job of it.
To the West of Yair he placed five planets and nine moons, two of the planets and three of the moons were inhabitable, to the east of Yair there were five more planets and fourteen moons. One of these planets and its three moons were inhabited. There were also a couple of large Gas Planet that bore some resemblance to the original Jair with two inhabited moons apeice orbiting them at a safe and respectable distance. On the day that Evan declared his garden complete Yeshua released The Vand from their state of perpetual rest during which they had undergone some significant transformations of their own. Cocooned as they were with their totem animals the Vand had taken on some of the traits of their totems
The La Shae now resembled the Long toothed tiger, They were human with tiger like characteristics. A light coat of hair covered their bodies and it was strriped like the skin of a tiger , their faces were round and cat like. Physically they were tall, lithe and very agile.
The La Brae had as their totem the spotted bear and likewise had taken on some bear like qualities they were big, very strong and spotted like the bear, but they have very gentle hearts.
The La Lae had for their totem the black long toothed lion and took on the traits of their totem animal, they were black with a white mane like ruff around their neck and down their back.
Evan created a fourth intelligent humanoid race and called them the La Avae. The La Avaes chose for their totem the Evanlese a large eagle with a ten foot wingspan. Like their cousins and friends the La Avae took on the traits of their totem. They were tall and graceful in the air and on the ground, Their wings were much like those of the evanlese. All four species lived in peace with one another on every inhabited planet and moon in Evandely.
Within their own solar system the Vand of all races could generate a strong magnetic field in which they could surround themselves and travel between worlds and moons. Wherever life could be found they could travel by means of a magnetic conduit that ran between their worlds.
John and Netchy awakened on the planet Evandely although they had been cocooned for four hundreds years they had never aged, but never the less they were greatly changed, Johns body was covered in blue and yellow hair, his ears sit on top of his head like a cat and his hearing and eyesight were exquisite. Netchy had also been changed, she now favored the tigress she was named for and had found her Netcho in John.

The End or The Beginning

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