Easy Ways to Stay Awake

Come on, we’ve all have had the 9 am blues. Your sitting at your office, and feel like you could sleep for another hundred years. You can’t understand why because you had your daily dose of caffine with your morning coffee. But that just isn’t cutting it. Here are some drug free, natural ways to stay awake.

1. Turn on the AC! If your work area is warm and stuffy, it’s going to be more comforable to sleep in. Think about it, at night, if you are cold, you reach for the covers because sleeping with out them is uncomfortable. If you are unable to turn on the AC, try taking off your jacket or sweatshirt, and or wear short sleaves, so your not as warm.

2. Cold Water! Cold water can trigger blood flow, with can wake you up. Try slpashing some on your face every once in awhile. You can also try drinking cold water throughout the day, which has the same effect.

3. Shower Power! I’m not sure why, but showers just wake you up, and help you be more alert throughout the day. Try ending your shower with a burst of cold water to keep you extra alert!

4. Get up and Walk! Every 30 minutes or so, get up and walk for a few minutes to keep the juices flowing. This wil help energize your mind and body.

5. Cleanse your face with caffine? Did you know that there is a face wash that contians natural caffine? Try the Clean and Clear Morning Burst Skin Brighting Facial Cleanser. It acually wakes you up! Also try the other facial cleanser from the Morning Burst Line.

6. Listen to Music! If you crank your speakers up it is going to be a lot harder for you to fall asleep. Listening to up beat music will help out the most.

7. Get outside! Even getting some fresh air can wake you up believe it or not!

8. Light on! Turn on all the lights possible. It really is not very comfortable to sleep in a lighted room, is it? Darkess promotes sleep.

9. Talk to people! Come on, sitting at your desk all day can get really boring. Every once and a while get up and talk to someone- about anything! Even if it is only a 30 second conversation, it will get your mind reactivated.

10. Get enough sleep at night! Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Yes, this may require you to go to bed earlier. But the next day your body will thank you!

So the next time you got the 9 am blues, try these helpful tips!

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