Do You Really Know Your Man?

Do you really know your man?
20 questions every woman should ask her man before committing to him

Number one:
How important is it for you to feel needed by your lover?

Number two:
If your woman had to wear the same outfit for a whole week, what would you like her to wear?

Number three:
If you had just made love to your woman and it wasn’t very satisfying, would you blame yourself or her?

Number four:
If you and your lover were going to make love on Lovers’ Lane, what make and model of car would you drive there in?

Number five:
Do you remember who and when you had your first kiss with?

Number six:
Through out your life, how many people have you really truly loved?

Number seven:
What little habits and idiosyncrasies of your woman’s, get on your nerves or drive you crazy?

Number eight:
How do you go about keeping from being taken for granted by others?

Number nine:
If you picked out an X-rated game for us to play together, what would that game be?

Number 10:
How important is foreplay to you? For your woman?

Number 11:
Of the two, which do you find more exciting; the capture or the chase?

Number 12:
When you are away from your woman, do you wonder if she is thinking about you?

Number 13:
Should you and your lover tell each other all of our sexual fantasies or just a few? Or maybe none?

Number 14:
To you, what is the difference between making love and sex?

Number 15:
What are the three major factors in a lasting relationship for you and your lover?

Number 16:
How often do you have to have things your way?

Number 17:
What do you enjoy most about kissing and caressing your lover’s body?

Number 18:
Do you find a connection between the way that you eat food and how you make love?

Number 19:
Name three objects that erotically arouse you when you look at them?

Number 20:
When your woman speaks softly, do your legs get weak and your heart skip a beat?

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