Civilization 5 – Arabian Civ Guide

The Arabian civilization is one of the many playable factions that gamers can choose within Civilization 5, led by Harun al-Rashid. This civilization has unique units and structures such as the Camel Archer and Bazaar and benefits from the unique ability Trade Caravans. This guide will cover the exact bonuses and strengths these bring while giving a brief overview of each.

Civilization Leader: Harun al-Rashid
Historically speaking, Harun al-Rashid was the fifth Arab Abbaside Caliph, ruling from 786 through to 809 AD. This time, known for the vast prosperity that was brought through his reign, including his own resourcefulness and feats such as building the Bayt al-Hikma, a legendary library who’s name translates to “House of Wisdom,” lead to a significant notoriety. The AI will focus on achieving Cultural or Science victories first and foremost, sometimes opting for diplomacy when playing as Harun al-Rashid, establishing economic dominance through significant development to land and resource tiles.

Special Ability: Trade Caravans
The special ability of the Arabian empire, Trade Caravans, grants one additional piece of gold from each trade route while also providing double resources on all developed Oil tiles. Trade Caravans backs up the Arabian civilization’s penitence for dominance through economy, best put to use when mimicking the AI’s habits of achieving Cultural and Science victories. This is reflected historically and even to modern day, with the vast influence on world trade that the Arabian civilization has had, especially in the past, along with the geographical control of a significant amount of the world’s oil supply.

Special Unit: Camel Archer
The Camel Archer is a replacement for the Medieval era unit, the Knight, being similar only in both being mounted units. The Camel Archer sacrifices the Knights defense and melee capability for the strong ranged attack of 2 spaces and a strength of 15. In addition to this ranged attack, the Camel Archer is capable of moving after it attacks, useful for keeping it in relative safety and hit-and-run type attacks. If going for conquest victories, this era and this unit are going to be the best help you’ll have.

Special Building: Bazaar
The Bazaar is a unique building for the Arabian civilization which replaces the Market, providing all the same benefits at the same cost, with a few additional bonuses. In addition to the normal boost of +25 percent and +2 gold, the Bazaar manages to grant 1 extra luxury resource from each improved luxury that is near the city while each source of Oil and each Oasis provides a bonus +2 gold. This boost grants a significant advantage to the economy of this civilization.

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