Bad First Date Ideas

A bad first date could be your last; ruining your hopes for a love match with a potential sweetheart. Poor first impressions won’t do! Give your initial connection a suitable start by selecting an environment that is conducive to conversation and interaction. Making the wrong location or activity choice for the first encounter will put too much pressure on a new amour. Your trysting choice should be romantic and fun, not awkward or just plain weird.

Just in case you aren’t sure what qualifies as a bad first date, I’ve polled my friends and together we’ve come up with a list of bad ones. On behalf of the ladies, guys, we’d like to be excused from first dates at any of these places.

Family reunions: Wow! Meeting 20 guys named Bill on our first date was just too much. Not to mention, every time I went to the punchbowl, the family drunk wanted to ask me out. Bad idea.

Loud venues: Many ladies love football and car races but not for a first date. I don’t want to scream over a stadium full of people just to get to know you.

Experimental theater: Nude shows, even for the sake of art are no-no’s on a first date. And possibly the second and third.

Séances and psychics: Unless it’s Halloween, or we are at the carnival, girls aren’t interested in the supernatural on a first date. Oh, and the fake line about “we knew each other in a past life” gets credit for creativity but that’s not happening.

Lover’s lane: We don’t want to go parking on the first date. You may be hot but don’t assume I’m easy.

A haunted house: Okay, I know technically this belongs in the séances and psychics point but this really happened to my friend. We’ll call her Mary to protect her reputation. Mary had a blind date with a scientist. Mary was so excited when he had an emergency work call and he wanted her to ride with him. Thinking she’d do some storm chasing or observe lab work, Mary agreed. Needless to say, Mary spent her night “ghostbusting.”

Group therapy: On behalf of the ladies, please don’t take us to your group therapy class on the first date. We might like a sensitive guy, but seeing you cry on a first night out is a definitely a turn off.

Strip joints: You said open-minded, not open relationship. Please don’t take us to a strip joint, swingers club or sex clubs.

Old folks home: Love the old folks, I’m sure I’ll be one someday. However, I don’t want to visit “Granny” on the first date. Please pick me up afterwards.

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