Antibacterial Soap and Why You Don’t Need to Use It

Antibacterial this, antibacterial that. It seems anymore that if something isn’t antibacterial, then it does no good when it comes to removing germs and bacteria. Well, guess again. That antibacterial soap you are using in your kitchen or bathroom (or both) is no better than just running your hands under the sink water- and here’s why.

Germs and bacteria are prevented when using antibacterial soap- for a while. But just like many preventative measures against nature, eventually these germs and bacteria you are killing with antibacterial soap multiply, mature, and gain resistance to your antibacterial soap. In short, before too long, you have more bacteria and germs on your hands than you think, even though you are using a harsher soap. So what do you wash your hands with then?

Did you know that simply running your hands under running water in the sink actually removes most bacteria and germs (The Doctors)? And mild soap or even just regular hand soap is actually super effective at removing and preventing bacteria and germs. You don’t need to use anything more than just a wet wipe of hand sanitizer most of the time if you’re worried about germs. They don’t thrive long on the skin and wash away quickly in running water.

What’s important is that you wash your hands in the first place, not that you use an antibacterial soap to wash your hands. In fact, it’s more important that you use a soap that bacteria won’t gain resistance to, otherwise you’re better off just using plain water and no soap at all. So skip the antibacterial soap the next time you go to wash your hands, and you’ll be a lot healthier for it. Regular soap and water (or even just a quick little rinse-er-roo) is just fine.


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