America in Decline? it Need Not Happen

It seems like every time you turn around somebody is bashing America about something. We are in decline; we are not going to be the leaders of the world; China is passing us up; we are not like the Europeans; we are not like so-and-so and so on and so forth. Am I the only one to get tired of this?

We have a media that is almost giddy when reporting that America is bested by another country at something in the world. It doesn’t matter if it’s the Chinese passing us in automotive sales or possibly the euro or the yen being used as the world’s reserve currency instead of the dollar. It appears that the media just wants to try to cut America down to size and I’m frankly tired of it. As Americans we should be trumpeting the greatness of this country, not taking advantage of every single opportunity to belittle her and demean her. It’s insulting to millions of Americans.

Let’s get one thing straight, America is still the dominant nation on this planet. Does anyone remember the recent war against Gadhafi in Libya? If you do, you will understand that the Europeans cannot do anything militarily without us. Does anyone seriously think that the communist Chinese could lead the world? Would they even want to take on such a role? Would you want to live in a world where the Chinese are the dominant force?

I am sick of all this talk of decline. Decline is a choice, not a destiny. America does not have to slip quietly into the good night. Another thing that I cannot stand is all these Republicans that want to manage decline, to say nothing of the Democrats who preside over it. I have written before that Ronald Reagan is not walking through the door to save the Republican Party or the country. However, we could certainly use some Reaganesque leadership in this country to restore America to her rightful greatness and place in the world. Isn’t it about time that our conservative leaders pick up the mantle of Reagan instead of just talking about him?

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