9/11 Changed My Life

I was at work that morning when I saw video of the burning tower and heard the reports that a jet flew into a world trade center tower. I thought it was a tragic accident. Then less than 30 minutes later when another jet flew into the other tower I knew this was no accident. Anger surfaced and I wanted to know who was responsible. Soon after I watched the second tower that was hit, implode and fall neatly into it’s own footprint, amid mass clouds of dust. I could tell it was a planned demolition by the way the way the tower came down. I wondered who got inside the tower to rig the building with explosives so quickly after it was hit? When the second tower came down I was in disbelief. The reporters were reporting what they saw interlaced with “experts” who were ready to comment on this event just minutes after it happened. They were armed with facts and numbers, names and reasons why, before any investigation ever began. First a live report then a follow up report contradicting the live reports. What was going on? Someone was manipulating the facts. Then another plane crashed into the pentagon. Then another plane crashed at Shanksville. What was happening? I saw footage of the pentagon building 8 minutes after it happened. I could not see a plane. I could not see any telltale evidence of a commercial jet crash. What was going on? How could people be so stupid as to be reporting a plane crash when there was no evidence of a plane having crashed? Why was this happening? Confusion, anger and mistrust surged through my veins. A chill crept up my spine when I realized this was a fabrication by the media.

I then spent the next 2 years of my life investigating the events of 9/11 as it happened and as it was reported.

These are the results of my research.

Background: Osama Bin Laden was trained and funded by the CIA to fight the spread of communism into Afghanistan. During combat, Osama’s troops captured two mobile launched intercontinental ballistic missiles; ICBMs and hid them in the caves of Tora Bora located in northeastern Afghanistan.

Saddam Hussein remained defiant after Gulf War 1. Determined to get back at the USA in any way possible he began selling his oil off the USA controlled OPEC market in any currency except US dollars. According to an OPEC treaty from ’76 all oil world wide must be bought and sold in US currency. Since every country must convert their money into dollars it creates a demand for the currency and gives it value

The events of 9/11 were perpetrated by members of the CIA and USA army with the full cooperation of the Bush administration. The false flag operation was staged to rally congress and the people of the USA into supporting an illegal war in the Middle East. The goal of the conflict was eliminate the Osama independent missile launch threat, and kill Saddam and take control of his oil. The benefits would be lucrative contracts for Halliburton to supply the army with gear food and weaponry and for the construction branch of Halliburton to rebuild Iraq and own the entire newly built infrastructure. Electric,water, fuel, transportation, and hospitals.

The events of 9/11 brought about changes in America as well. The patriot act was passed by congress shortly after the events of 9/11. (It was prewritten) The details strip citizens of all privacy guaranteed by the constitution.

The events of 9/11 made me realize who the enemy really was. It was the government of the USA. My eyes were opened and now that I know my enemy I have moved to another country. This is the effect 9/11 has had on my life.

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