5 Simple Steps to Achieving Your Goals

Everyone knows the adage Rome wasn’t built in a day, but when people set out to achieve their dreams, the maxim, unfortunately, falls by the wayside. Persistence and patience is the key; once you understand that, pat yourself on the back because half the battle is won.

Whether your dream is better health, a beautiful home, unlimited wealth or all the above, try these 5 simple steps to achieve your ultimate goals.

Step #1 – Goal setting

Setting clear, written goals is critical to achieving them. A prominent example was a 1979 study of recent Harvard MBA graduates. The study highlights follow:

▪ 84% had no specific goals at all. ▪ 13% had goals, but they were not committed to paper. ▪ 3% had clear, written goals and plans to accomplish them.

A decade later in 1989, the graduates submitted to update interviews. You can guess the results:

▪ The 13% of the class who had goals were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84 percent who had no goals at all. ▪ Even more staggering – the three percent who had clear, written goals were earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97 percent combined.

Step #2 – Take action

You would be surprised to learn how many people set goals but fail to take action. Goals without action are just ideas. Taking daily action towards your goals is essential. If your goal were to run the New York City Marathon, would you sit in front of the TV everyday, or get out and train as much as you can towards that dream?

Nike’s very popular slogan, “just do it” is simply a call for everyone to get out there and take action. If you want to see your goals realized, you need to get out there and put action behind it, or simply, just do it.

Step #3 – Meditate and Visualize

Meditation with daily visualization can only enhance your ability to achieve your goals. The mind knows no difference between the subconscious and conscious. Visualizing your goals sends positive vibrations out into the universe, and, in return, the universe gives you back what you need.

Step #4 – Act as if

Live your life “as if” you have achieved that goal. Faith is an intricate part of this step. If your goal is to get that big promotion, act as if you already have it. Dress as if you have it, walk as if you have it, and talk as if you have it. I have a friend who wanted a job so badly that he printed up business cards with his name and new title. He even typed up a congratulatory letter from the company and placed it on his wall as an everyday reminder. Two weeks later, he got the job with the salary he desired. Now that’s “Acting as if.”

Step #5 – Let go and let God

This step is a big one, but it is also one of the hardest to grasp. Having a goal is great, but the path to that goal is one of mystery and adventure. We are all co-creators with God. So be specific about your goals when you write them down. Take action, and act as if it is already done, but then you must let go and let God figure out the details and direct you towards that dream.

Source: What they don’t teach you in Harvard Business School. By Mark McCormack

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