Winter Beauty Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Face it, winter in the northern states has been getting colder. The weather has definitely become snowier and windier these last few years. Chicago’s cold weather can easily dry-out skin. The Midwest’s low wind chill temperatures can quickly frostbite exposed skin. But you can still be beautiful after you come-in from the cold. Just remember the basic keys of winter protection and you’ll stay pretty.

1. Sidestep influenza: Get a flu shot this year, wash your hands often and avoid coughing, sneezing people. If you get the flu, you may not be able to get out of bed to put on your skincare and makeup products. 2. Moisturize from the inside to the outside to avoid dry skin: Take vitamin D, eat more olive oil, and choke down some cod liver oil. At night, layer a light skin moisturizer under a heavier moisturizer. Drink a large glass of warm water before going to bed and apply lip balm. In the morning use a light soap-less cleanser. Just remember, you just cannot slap on enough creams, lotions and oils to fight cold winds or heated air. 3. Shield your face from frostbite: Wrap a scarf across your face and pull down your hat. Chafed, chapped, potato chip skin is not pretty. Skin injuries from frostbite are ugly and can leave lasting scars. It can happen in seconds. Routine windy cold weather is just as big of a risk as blizzards. 4. Screen your eyes and the surrounding skin: Wear large sunglasses if driving or running in areas with snow glare. Ever notice how your mascara runs when you squint? 5. Avoid itchy scalp and lifeless hair: Wear a hat in cold weather every time you go out. There’s no conditioner, gel or hairspray that’s a barrier to icy winds. Using a sulfate-free hair cleanser is better than using a regular shampoo. At night, moisturize your hair. Also avoid itchy wool, consider wearing a hat and scarf made from organic cotton, silk or synthetic yarns. 6. Protect your hands from drying and frostbite: Wear gloves in cold weather every time you go out. Otherwise, carry a giant tube of hand cream in your small handbag every place you go. 7. Dodge bone-chilling cold: Wear long johns. Shivering only looks sexy for a moment or two: Later on you get that worn-out look that’s dreadful appearing. Try sexy-feeling cashmere and silk blend long johns. 8. Feel beautiful even when it’s gray outside: Try light therapy to combat the winter blues and doldrums. You can find light therapy lamps now for under $50.

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