Why Gay Marriage Should Be a Non-issue

Four words should put the issue of gay marriage to rest forever. 1- You, 2- Can’t, 3- See, 4- Marriage. Just who do laws against gay marriage affect? Only those persons they keep from marrying. Walk down any street in America. Point out who is married and who isn’t. You can’t. Oh, look — that couple, a man and a woman, are both wearing wedding bands. Are they married? Maybe — but to each other? You don’t know. Does a law against gay marriage keep gays from appearing together in public? No. Public displays of affection? No. Quick — name the things that damage marriage and the family: divorce, infidelity, poverty, the economy, spouse abuse, substance abuse, child abuse, unemployment, pregnancy out-of-wedlock, single parent homes, homelessness — the list goes on, each one far more prevalent and immediately damaging to the institutions of marriage and family, and I didn’t even include traffic accidents and workaholic parents. Video games. Military service.

Then there is the constitutional reason. That old ‘pursuit of happiness’ clause. The American Constitution is the greatest political document ever written because it solved one of the most perplexing problems facing a society: how to protect the rights of a minority within a democratic (in our case, a democratic republic) form of government. Somewhere along the line, it protects every American citizen from potential bullying by an opposing majority.

Just like false Christians who would mold God to their own image, rather than the other way around (the sin of Pride), those who would amend the Constitution are not defending it. Quick and easy way to judge the value of constitutional amendments: the ones that expand freedom and equality have been historically proven to be elemental to American values. They have stood the test of time. Those that would limit freedom and equality have not.

The gay marriage issue is a political football. The Straw Man Lingerie Bowl to distract the electorate from real issues affecting us all. Rather than educating themselves about, say, the mechanics of the global economy, politician/demagogues look to gather personal political power by catering to our basest fears. Pick out a minority. Demonize it publicly. Enflame the Intolerant. Sing a verse of America the Beautiful. Run for Senator.

Sociology has identified the three ways to political power: in ascending order of effectiveness — give the people what they want; give the people what they need; rally the people against what they fear. The third path is also the fastest road to tyranny — be it by a despot or an intolerant majority. The greatest defense against such abuse of the ballot is well known — knowledge. Let us educate ourselves and defend each other as we would our own. Standing up for Freedom is occasionally standing up for someone else. It’s not always easy — if it was, America wouldn’t be all that special.

Finally, no one is being asked to act against their own self-interest. If you are personally opposed to gay marriage and afraid of the consequences to your family, or potential family, there is an obvious and effective solution: don’t marry a gay person. The gene-pool will survive.

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