When is a Doctor a Good Doctor?

What qualities do we look for in a “good doctor”?

Most people have had experiences with many types of health care professionals. There was a day when the family doctor was often a member of the same community and would make house calls.

For the most part those days are behind us, yet we haven’t lost sight of the ideal of a good doctor and what this medical provider can contribute to the quality of our life.

The following list suggests many qualities that one might look for in a “good doctor”. Most of these traits constitute excellent character.

A good doctor is able to listen and respond to the patient’s unique needs, extends professional courtesy by asking significant questions, shows respect, and places the patient’s needs before his or her own personal gain.

A good doctor works as a member of a team with the patient, the patient’s family, and other health care providers.

A good doctor will be an expert in the field and remain up-to-date on the latest treatments and research. If the doctor isn’t certain of an answer, he or she will be willing to take the time to find answers to the patient’s questions.

The doctor will work empathetically and cooperatively with the patient by explaining treatment options, and will take into consideration the patient’s requests and needs.

A good doctor will not take advantage of this position of power. He or she will remain ethical, honest, and direct.

A good doctor will show an awareness and concern for the patient’s comfort, need for privacy, and autonomy, and the patient’s background and religious practices won’t factor into the quality of treatment. Mutual trust and respect will underline the interactions.

A good doctor is accessible, keeps appointments, and responds to the patient’s needs in a timely manner.

The qualities of a “good doctor” will differ slightly, depending on each person’s own experiences. While no one is perfect, a “good doctor” is a decent human being, an upstanding person, and a professional who is there to support the needs of the patient.

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