What Makes a Great Gardener?

Over the past few years, more and more people are looking into gardening. When you’re first starting out, it can be a challenging task, especially if you’re one of those people who just naturally can’t keep anything green alive. But, there is hope, because just like with everything else, the more you practice the better you’ll become. If you give up before you even get started, you’ll get nowhere. Here are a few things that can help you hone your inner gardener and make your yard a more beautiful place.

Be consistent. Unlike most hobbies, once you decide to start a garden you have to be there. You can’t just start, walk away and come back a couple of months later and pick up where you left off. It’s a commitment, but one that you should enjoy. Spend a little time every day with your plants. It’s OK to miss a day every now and then. That’s life. Give yourself a break when you just can’t make it out. But spending some quality on a regular basis will help insure that your plants get what they need and you’ll be able to catch any problems that pop up.

Observation. The more time you spend in your garden, the more things you will notice. After enough time, you’ll get in tune with how everything flows. You’ll be able to catch problems before they get out of hand and you’ll notice how your plants react to the climate. The more you observe, the more you’ll be able to adapt your gardening style to keep your plants happy. You can never predict how the weather is going to change from year to year but you can learn how to adapt to all different kinds of weather. Aside from observing how things react to each other, and what’s going on, don’t forget to just watch. Pay attention to all the little things that happen in your garden. Don’t forget to enjoy it.

Experience. Nobody is just born an amazing gardener. At first, everything you plant might die, and that’s OK. Just as long as you learn from it. Each season you have the chance to learn from your mistakes last season. Eventually you’ll perfect a system that works for you and you’ll have a beautiful garden. Don’t worry if it doesn’t look like those gardens on the cover of the gardening magazines. (They’re just as bad as the half-naked, perfect bodied celebs we see on every front cover. It’s just not a reasonable goal.) As long as you keep trying and learning from what you do wrong, you’ll get better and better and that’s what matters.

At some point, you will fail. That’s just a fact. There will be days when you just can’t take care of your garden the way you wish you could, you might not be able to buy some things you want to buy, or maybe life just gets in the way and you don’t have the time. Chances are there is going to be a point in time when your garden is just not your absolute top priority and that’s OK. Just come back as soon as you can, and get going again. Failure is only a problem if you don’t keep going. If your garden is being somewhat neglected because of well, life, it’s OK. Don’t toss it out and forget about it. Just come back and jump right back in.

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