What a First Time Dad Goes Through

My daughter is 8 months old. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me and has changed my life forever. I am a 33 year old first time Dad. I told myself once my daughter was born safe and healthy it would be easy and that I could figure out what to do. I was wrong. It’s a lot of work. It’s 24/7 work that never stops. Everything I do revolves around her. My life has changed more dramatically than I ever thought possible. Nobody can prepare a first time Dad. I read the books, I asked my friends, I was given advice. It’s the scariest most awesome feeling ever!

At 8 months old my daughter is already picking herself up and standing, she’ll be walking anytime now. I feel like I missed the last 8 months already. People say it goes by fast but I didn’t think it would go by that fast. Did I miss her being an infant? She’s already getting into things, climbing the stairs, puts everything in her mouth. I worry about the other stuff like how would I react if she got really sick, what would I do without my wife, what happens if I get sick, how are we going to make the decsion about private or public school, do we need a bigger house? The questions never stop and I love it. It’s not what I’m used to and it feels great.

I am very lucky to be married to a wonderful woman who has a masters in nursing, has worked in labor and delivery, and does clinical research now. She’s a great Mom and I want to be a great Dad!

What should a first time Dad then in my opinion? Start a blog with your wife and chronicle everything, take pictures and videos non stop, turn off the game sometimes and just play with your child, trust your gut, have fun each day with your first child.

Don’t get me wrong I don’t let the questions or thoughts consume me but I do think about them in a way nobody could ever prepare me for. Being a Dad for the first time is almost like opening up a whole different world. I can’t wait to explore this new world to see what comes our way.

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