Tim Tebow is Dangerous!

This article is not just to talk about another amazing win for Tebow and the Denver Broncos. Instead let’s focus on his passing ability. Tim Tebow can pass a football and he does it well! That’s right, I said it! This whole “Tebow can’t throw” stuff is complete nonsense that has been over-hyped and I for one am sick of it. Let’s go back to his first game when in fact his passing did look terrible. Let’s not forget the kind of pressure he was under. How will you do when you have almost 80,000 people calling your name and suddenly you are thrown to the wolves and expected to come out on top, which he did by the way.

Next let’s talk about the sub par receivers on the team. Are the critics all blind to the dropped passes week after week by the Denver receivers, who are arguably some of the worst in the NFL? Or do they choose to ignore this fact because of the deep resentment they have for Tebow. I mean no disrespect to the receivers but let’s stop making excuses for them and putting all the blame squarely on the arm of Tim Tebow. Of course he has had some bad tosses. What quarterback hasn’t? Elway talked about quitting after his rookie season because of his own poor performance. Why is Tebow held to such a higher standard? When accounting for the dropped passes you can put Tebow’s completion percentage more in the neighborhood of 60%.

As the weeks progress, we are starting to see more and more of Tebow’s ability to pass. When the coaches start putting more faith in his arm, it will become clear that he is the great quarterback we all expected him to be. The man works hard and will only get better with time.

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