Things You Should Know Before Deciding to Homeschool Your Kids

A popular alternative to enrolling kids in local public schools is the option of homeschooling. While each family has their own reasons for considering this option, the violence and overcrowding problems plaguing so many schools are often pivotal points for many parents. Other parents may want more control over what their children are taught. Some parents may also feel that a quieter, less distracting environment would be better for their child’s education. Whatever the reason may be for considering homeschooling, it’s an important decision that should be carefully thought out.

A quick list of the advantages of homeschooling.

There are several advantages for both parents and kids that are homeschooled. The pros of homeschooling can include:

Setting up a learning schedule that works best for both the student and the parent. No transportation issues. Being able to set your own pace. No dress codes. Much less peer pressure and classroom distractions from other students. More parental involvement and control over subject matter that is taught. No harassment or bullying from other students. Spending more time with your child.

A quick list of the disadvantages of homeschooling.

There are also disadvantages when it comes to homeschooling. The cons of homeschooling can include:

Missed opportunities for socialization skills for students. Spending more time with your child. Sometimes it’s healthy for children and parents to have some space from one another. Overwhelming work for the parent. Confusion with the learning material, especially in the higher grades. Isolation and loneliness for the student. A lack of physical education. Too much help from the parent. Less time for self-employed or work from home parents to focus on work.

How homeschooling can benefit your child.

If your child has fallen in with the “wrong crowd” at school and /or is getting into frequent trouble, homeschooling can be a great option. Often, removing a child from peers who have a negative influence and the many other distractions of crowded classrooms can help the child focus on his or her education.

It has also been discovered that many students struggle with alertness during the early morning hours. According to, teenagers especially often require more sleep due to the hormonal changes taking place within their bodies, which can affect their biological clocks and production of melatonin. These changes can make it harder for teenagers to fall asleep early in the evening, therefore making it harder for them to be awake and alert early in the morning. Unfortunately, most public school schedules are in direct conflict with this physiological change, as high schools start earlier than most middle schools and elementary schools.

One of the best advantages of homeschooling is being able to have your child work during the hours of the day when he or she is most alert. Since every child is an individual, this will vary, however, parents usually know when their kids are the most alert and productive. Homeschooling allows you to utilize the “golden hours” of your child’s day for learning, without having to sacrifice time to dressing, hygiene or transportation. Your child can do most of his school work in his pajamas, if he wants to.

Homeschooling will also allow you as a parent to take an active part in your child’s education. When your child is struggling to understand a concept, you can slow down the pace a bit and focus on the problem area. This is often impossible for a teacher to do in a large classroom.

How to overcome the disadvantages of homeschooling.

Many parents may feel nervous about homeschooling their children because they didn’t go to college and get a degree in education. Difficult concepts in math such as algebra and all the nuances and rules in grammar were intimidating for most adults the first time around when they were in school trying to learn them. The thought of teaching something you may not really understand yourself can be daunting. However, there are resources, including online teachers, designed to help homeschooled students and parents who are teaching.

The issue of isolating your child at home and causing them to potentially miss out on certain socialization skills, which are also a part of the learning and growing process that public school provides, is a serious issue that shouldn’t be ignored. The good news is that there are homeschooling programs that address this issue. Homeschooled children can participate in field trips and other events designed to bring students and their families together to interact with each other. However, you may also want to look into community activities, community sports and organizations such as Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to make sure your child is getting enough peer interaction.

The homeschooling option I chose.

While homeschooling can be perfect for stay-at-home moms who have enough free time to be an efficient educator, the time and commitment needed for the program to be a success can put a serious strain on parents who work full time outside of the home or parents who are self-employed. I know this from experience. I am self-employed with a small, online retail business and I am a freelance writer. My daughter was very unhappy with her new middle school after we had to relocate in the spring of 2010. The following school year, I enrolled my daughter in an online public school called K12. I took on the role of becoming her learning coach and quickly found out I may have bitten off more than I could chew. It was mostly due to the fact that I had a very unmotivated seventh grader who did not want to put in the independent work necessary for success. I also had a very demanding writing schedule and business to keep up with.

In my next article, I will review my experience with homeschooling through K12. This online public school has an impressive program and has the potential to be a great option under the right circumstances.

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