The Wearing of the Green Eye Makeup

Beauty advisers tell us that only women with hazel or brown eyes should wear green eyeshadow but during St. Pat’s day, this rule goes out the window! Go green, in a flirty, attractive way and celebrate your favorite Irishman with pretty makeup. Regardless of your eye color, shape or normal style, green eyeshadow is for you. You’ll like this look so much that it might end up in your regular makeup repertoire! Here are some tips for getting a wearing of the green look that last the whole day, or evening.

Apply primer to clean eyelids. Allow the primer to dry about 30 seconds before moving on. Select two green eyeshadows, one light and one dark. You’ll also need one green and one black eyeliner. Sweep a clean eyeshadow brush across the lightest makeup. Brush on the light color under the eye brows about 1/3 down the eye. Pick up a little more shadow, then add it to the inside corners of the eye, top and bottom. Use a short-bristled eyeshadow brush or sponge tip applicator and rub it lightly across the darker green eyeshadow. Sweep it on the eye carefully, applying it to the lower 2/3 of the eye. If it helps, press the dark color into the contour of the eye with the tip of the applicator first to create an outline. Switch back to the first eyeshadow brush, the one you used for the light eyeshadow and blend them where they meet. Roll on green eyeliner on the rim of the under eye. Apply the black eyeliner to the top of the eye and below the eye. Soften the look of the black eyeliner by using an eyeliner tool make it look smudged. Tip the lashes with black mascara, to lengthen and thicken the lashes.

Suggestions to Try:

Finish the eyeshadow look with a green eye glitter application. Wear dark green eyeliner along the top and bottom of the eye instead of black. Draw on a tiny green shamrock on the outside of your eye using waterproof eyeliner.

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