The Reality of Evil

My youngest daughter, Joy, had just been discharged from the hospital after having surgery for a malignant brain tumor. She was resting on the couch when a friend phoned and asked if we were watching TV. I said no and he said turn it on now. I did and the horror I saw I will never forget. The second plane slammed into the second tower of the World Trade Center just as the TV came to life. I was holding my 1 year old grandson and I held him a little tighter and moved closer to my daughter, who were my whole life. I just could not wrap my mind around the reality of what I was seeing on the big screen. As the story unfolded over the next hours and the next days, weeks I wondered how could any people be filled with so much hate that they could take innocent people’s lives and just blow them up for no reason at all. At that time, I must confess I did not know anything about Muslims and Islam and the Quran. I have educated myself over the last 10 years and what I have learned fills me with disgust and, yes, some fear. 9/11 killed any innocence I may have had about whether there is inherent evil in man. And it forced me to educate myself on this thing called Islam. There is no such thing as a peaceful Muslim because of their belief in their Satan-filled prophet muhammud and his instructions to kill the infidels. It is their political/religiosity/social way of life. There is no difference between radical Islam and the so-called peaceful Muslims living in our beloved United States of America. They are Satan-filled, crazy, unbalanced people, who I believe are in our county to destroy our way of life and our values. I have a deeper experience with God because of 9/11 and have recommitted my life to Him.. I believe Jesus is coming soon and that 9/11 is a symptom of what must come to pass before we see Him come in the clouds of Heaven. I love this country and it hurts my heart to see these pictures all over again where almost 3,000 people were forced to die that fateful day. My freedom is dearer to me than before 9/11 and I am more watchful when I am out in public than I was before. I am more prone to speak out against things that are just wrong, such as our president trying to destroy this country. He must be stopped. I am proud to be an American. But America is in trouble. I pray everyday for God to continue to bless her and to forgive the sins that our government and leaders commit in the name of politics. It is still the greatest country in the world. The hatred that muhummad teaches is the exact opposite of what God teaches and what love is all about. As Islam gains greater ground in the United States and gains more converts, it scares me what America is becoming. Let us never forget what our fore-fathers intended for us and all the men and women who have died to keep freedoms bells ringing. We must never forget.

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