The Purpose of Mazes

Why was the maze ever created? What is it’s purpose here on this Earth? Was it created to once attract guests to encounter a never before experience of confusion and thinking all at once? Perhaps. There are millions of possibilities of why mazes were put here on Planet Earth. This is my take on it.

The maze was once put here for the humans to explore possibilities. To take a chance and hope it gets you somewhere, if you hit a dead end you turn around and try again and not make the same mistake. To teach the humans to not give up, but to keep trying and trying until you reach your goal, but with some how tie in some fun with this. The maze teaches you that there are many different roads to take, one may lead to the exit, or back to start, or even to get you lost in a whole new area. The maze takes the fun of wanting to figure something out for yourself and puts it with chance. A chance that you will get somewhere better and closer to finish.

See as humans we are all selfish in some way, even if it is one measly little brain cell in the back of your brain. We all have a selfish part in us, so we all want to figure out the maze by our self and find the way out with know help, to hopefully at the end to have that self gratification.

When we finally reach the end of our maze we feel accomplished, like we stomped past a large obstacle. The maze in my own, confusing, jumbled up mind, teaches us to not only take the same path forever until you hit a dead end, but to change up your paths and hope you reach the exit.

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