
The Shining Star

Chapter 1

Stacie Ducrati, a beautiful, drop dead gorgeous 14 year old girl. Her life was perfect, everyone loved her, and everyone wanted to be her. She had everything she ever wanted, she was rich, had a huge room and even bigger house, her parents loved being around her seeing as she was the shining star in their eyes. Stacie got away with pretty much everything she wanted, she could “forget” to do her chores and it would go completely unnoticed. Her poor brother Blake on the other hand would never be able to get away with anything; he once switched Stacie’s shampoo with honey and got caught in the act. Blake was 2 years older then Stacie and although he was older he definitely was not more mature. Stacie had amazing friends, ones who cared extremely about how they looked at every given time of every day; they re-glossed hourly and followed Stacie around as if she was made of gold. Her life was everything she ever imagined it would be and if anything happened to it she had no idea what she would do.

Blake drove Stacie and himself home from school everyday, They both walked in one day laughing because surprisingly enough they were pretty good friends when they weren’t annoyed with each other. Blake tossed the keys into the little pot on the entryway coffee table and they walked through the doors to the kitchen. Suddenly they both walked back out, their parents were sitting in the large living room Lucy stared at her two kids and motioned for them to sit down. Blake and Stacie took a seat worried about what they had done now, Lucy and Tom glanced at each other and then their kids; Tom started to speak first “kids, we’re moving to a little town called Beaver Creek” both Blake and Stacie looked at each other and went pale. Stacie’s life was changing, she wouldn’t have her friends that worshipped at her feet, or her mansion sized house. Stacie was about to put up a protest but her mother cut her off “Stacie, Blake I don’t want to hear any nonsense about this, we are moving and that is that, now go pack” Blake looked like he was going to say something but then backed down, they both knew that they saying anything against it would just get them in trouble. The next morning Stacie and Blake were eating their last breakfast in their house before school. Their parents came in Lucy talking gently to them, “Ok, since this is your last day of school and they don’t have a school close enough to our new house in Beaver Creek, I will be home schooling you from this day forward. There is a family right next to our property but other then that there is no one around except for a town 2 hours away by foot. We are now going to be raising steed, look I know this is hard you guys, but I’m sure there is a way to get through it especially if we face it together, as a family” Stacie was about to respond to her mother but Blake nudged her and ran out the door grabbing his keys on the way. Stacie jumped up and kissed her mother’s cheek running after him. She hopped in Blake’s Porsche, facing him as he started the engine. They pulled into motion and Stacie began to talk “Mom and dad seem to be happy, but I just can’t be I have so many friends here and I’m happy living where we are” Blake glanced over at her and then concentrated back on the road, “Stac, we have to accept it no matter what, they’re our parents and what they say goes. We should be happy they’re not moving us to a place that’s crawling with bugs and a one room house” Stacie looked over at her brother “Who knows maybe they are”; he was acting exactly like their parents! Was he actually happy they were moving? They rode in silence for the rest of the time both dreading the last day of school.

The Pack

Chapter 2

There were tears in so many people’s eyes as Stacie said her goodbyes. Everyone loved Stacie so much, the way she dressed, and the way she wore her hair. People would kiss the ground she walked on just to be her friend. By lunch Stacie had people by the handful hanging “We’ll miss you!” banners all over the cafeteria. Stacie sadly walked past all the crying people in the hallway finally getting to her locker she took a big breath as she reached in and started pulling stuff out. Suddenly Michael Carro walked up to her, she stopped what she was doing and looked at him, he was a sophomore, the high school quarter back, and had a killer smile. His dreamy eyes met hers and he spoke ever so softly “Stacie Ducrati, this is your lucky day, hear this, I’ve had my eye on you for some time now, and I was thinking it would be cool if you called yourself… my girl” Stacie looked up at him, she was 5’4″ and he was 6’2″, they were perfect for each other, sure he would have to bend a little to kiss her but that wouldn’t matter. Suddenly doubt came across her mind “I’ve wanted to hear those words for some time now, but… I’m moving… today” she wanted him to say something like “that’s ok baby, we can make it work” but it must have never crossed his mind. He looked her up and down and stalked off leaving her standing there helpless and alone. She had wanted to date him for so long and now that she finally got the chance she just had to be moving, she thrust her books into her backpack and walked off. Blake was already gone so Stacie walked home in silence thinking about what life would be like if she didn’t have to move, her heart tore as she continued.

Shortly after her long pointless walk she found her mom, dad, and brother all sitting in the car. “Hey Stac, we already loaded up your stuff in the trailer, so hop in!” Stacie looked at her dad “can I just throw this in there first?” she asked holding her backpack out. Her dad looked at it and then at her “sorry pumpkin, there’s not even enough room for us to sleep there let alone a backpack” Stacie’s eyes went round with surprise but she jumped in the backseat of their new ford truck and off they went. After hours of driving they came to a long dirt road that stretched for miles beyond end, they could see no one coming and no one besides them was going. Stacie rolled her eyes *Great, we’re moving to cow town* she thought as they kept driving over the bumpy road.

Moving to Cow town

Chapter 3

The hours had flown by; they had been on the same bumpy road for over 5 hours. Stacie was slowly remembering all the times she had wanted to move, and now that she could she discovered that it wasn’t the best thing in the world. Her mind was completely else where as her parents called at her to get out of the truck. She woke up from her day dreaming and jumped out her parents faces quite unhappy, she looked around to see what the problem was and noticed smoke billowing out of the engine of the truck. Her dad carefully made his way over to it and opened up the engine lid allowing more smoke to blast him in the face. He began working on it as Stacie looked around the deserted road.

Tom had been unable to fix the engine before the sun had gone down and now tried to work by flashlight while the kids slept in the back of the car. Stacie willed sleep to come to her tired eyes but got nothing as she lay there, quietly and undisturbed she could make out the howl of a wolf and then another one. Tom had come in and her parents had fallen asleep in the front seat hours ago while Stacie and Blake were cramped up in the back. Another howl sounded in the distance and Stacie felt her spine tingle as she thought she heard them closer, and closer. To scared and tired to sleep she sat up and looked around, suddenly as she looked out the front windshield she saw yellow eyes moving carefully and slowly in front of her. Her heart began pounding harder and harder as she reached to the front of the car and pressed the lock button twice. She shook her parents and Blake awake as more eyes began to appear. They all looked in horror as they saw the gleaming eyes circle the car suddenly a sharp ear piercing howl broke the quiet midnight air. All the wolves began running to the back of the car as they ate the left over food Blake was suppose to put back in the trailer. An hour later the wolves had gone but the gleaming of their yellow eyes remained trapped in the minds of the pampered family. Tom quickly got out and Panicky began to repair the car, for the time being they were stuck. 30 minutes later they pulled the truck out onto the road and flew past the place they all wanted to forget.

The Ducrati’s had so much to do but as they pulled up to their new house all mouths slammed open as they witnessed a house even bigger then their last. It took hours to unpack but after awhile only a few boxes remained. Stacie missed all her beloved friends but she loved the size of their new house, the master bedroom appeared to be a quarter of their old house and the kid’s bedrooms were amazing. Everything seemed perfect except for the cows that were constantly pooping and smelt like they rolled in their waste just outside their windows and that it took 2 hours by foot to get to town.

A New Life

Chapter 4

The Ducrati family was filthy rich. Tom had inherited all of his parents money hours before Blake was born so none of the kids had ever had to lift a finger. Unfortunately neither of the children knew that their father had lost all their money right after he had bought their new house and had to sell everything else to cover the debt. The once rich Ducrati family couldn’t afford maids, gardeners, or any ranch hands to man the cattle. The day began as one normally would, Stacie dragged herself from bed and found her father at the front door trying to hand her a shovel and cowboy boots. She looked at him strangely and pushed the stuff away, she was about to walk back to bed when her father started to speak “Stacie Marissa Ducrati, you get the privilege of scooping poop, don’t give me lip or you will find yourself quite unhappy” Stacie angrily took the shovel and pulled on the boots walking out the door to find a pasture filled with cow pies. Hours had passed and everyone else had gone inside but Stacie stayed out in the field still scooping enough poop to last her a year. She found herself thinking of her old perfect life, the life she longed for. The life where Michel Carro asked her out, that life was perfect. Here she didn’t have a single friend and her hair was frizzing because of the humidity, and on top of that, she was scooping POOP! What more could possibly go wrong? Suddenly she heard a big hefty moo and wood splitting unnaturally as she turned around she saw their largest bull crashing through the old white fence. The bull charged forward galloping into the property that belonged to the rustic looking cabin next to them. Stacie could hardly think fast enough but she dropped her shovel and ran at full speed after the bull screaming her lungs out, just praying someone could hear her. She had never thought in all her years of life that she would spend her time chasing a bull but here she was. She had the big boy cornered and was trying to get him to run back onto their property when he began pawing the ground, his blazing eyes glaring at her. Stacie’s blue eyes went wide with terror as the bull began charging after her, she ran as fast as she could, and glanced back at the bull seeing him slow down she made a face directly at him, she turned her head back around and banged into the white fence toppling over, landing on her back. She cautiously lifted her head up long enough to see the bull gallop off back to their property. Then she lay there, scared to move, afraid that the pain in her head would somehow make the rest of her aching body ten times worse. She suddenly felt the bright sun on her face become shade and she opened her eyes to see a boy, about 15, staring down at her with a hint of laughter in his green eyes. He spoke in a gentle yet strong voice “are you okay?” the question made Stacie’s head feel almost completely fine again as if his voice was that of an angel. Stacie made herself think of the question she was just asked and knew she couldn’t let him know that she really wasn’t ok, she began to stand up and said with a short breathless stutter “I’m f-ine” he looked concerned and offered his hand to her, she took it allowing his strong arms to pull her up the rest of the way. “I’m Danny, by the way” Stacie felt her heart about to melt “Stacie” Danny stared into her twinkling blue eyes but could hardly miss the blisters that were rubbed into her hands. “Come on, my mom will have something for your hands” he led her quietly into the small 5 room rustic cabin. Stacie looked around the beautifully furnished house *well, appearances on the outside are deceiving* she thought to herself. Suddenly she felt Danny take her hand in his and rub something sweet smelling on it and then he bandaged it up, repeating the steps with her left one. He held on to her hand a bit to long the second time and they both blushed as he let go “I’ll help you with that fence” he said softly as they both pushed out the door.

They had been outside for nearly an hour Danny working away on the fence while Stacie sat and watched. “So where are you from?” Danny asked smiling at Stacie with that award winning smile. “The city, it took almost all day to get here” Stacie replied no idea that Danny had never been to the city, he had walked to the town plenty of times but the city was something he had never been able to convince his parents to go to. The two began to compare the differences of the city and Beaver Creek, before any of them knew it the sun was going down and they were both being called for dinner. The twosome said their goodbyes and walked quietly home both secretly thinking of their new found friendship.

Piggy Bank

Chapter 5

Months had passed since Stacie and Danny had met. Stacie had moved on, she didn’t mind having to live in Beaver Creek, the place she had once called “Cow Town”, and loved seeing Danny. Everyday, rain or shine, the two would get together and help one another complete their chores, they would always meet at the “Great Oak” a tree whose weeping branches covered Stacie’s white fence and fell softly on Danny’s property as well. Their parents let them go to town on occasional errands such as getting some extra eggs or milk. One day they walked into the General Store seeing a small sign posted in the window, it read “Help Wanted” they whispered among each other for a few seconds and walked briskly to the front desk determination showing on their faces.

1 hour later they walked out through the double doors carrying a small bag of nuts and an application, all they needed were their parents to sign the slip and they would be hired at the General Store earning minimum wage. Mr. Pain, the manager and owner of “Hank’s General” had already assigned them their tasks so they could show up Monday morning and get to work. For Danny he had assigned the job of keeping stock of all the items, Stacie was in charge of bagging everything the costumers would buy. They were both excited and the second they burst through the door of their parents houses they both had a feeling they would get the signatures.

Soon enough they were walking down the road to the store, excited smiles on both of their faces. Talk was something that always came easy to the friends, “I’m saving for a plane ticket, I want to see all my old friends” Stacie drew a breath and then continued, “What about you?” Danny looked over at Stacie, she was amazing, her blue eyes always had a small twinkle in them and he had no one he would rather talk to. “well, I don’t really have anything I want to buy, or I don’t get to choose anyway, you see since money is tight with my family right now, I have to buy farm equipment” Danny finished his sentence with unease, his parents had never let him get anything he wanted, the way they saw it he was lucky to have food and clothes and have the knowledge that his mother had taught him. Stacie eyed him, she loved Danny like a brother and it was so sad to see him have to give all his earnings to his folks, “oh” she replied softly. They continued to the General store slowly, both silent for the first time.

They had been in “Hanks General” for 3 hours working as hard as they could to earn the money that they deserved. Danny glanced over at Stacie every now and then, and it appeared that every time she had tried to bag anything something would break, whether it was from the delicate eggs she accidentally put on the bottom of the sack or if she just plain dropped it. Danny had seen her do this at least 5 times now, he began to think that she was cursed with bagging items but she had never had to work like this before. He suddenly felt fear grip his heart, what if she got fired, it would crush her, but every time that terrifying thought came up he pushed it away *she’ll do better tomorrow* he thought to himself; and he slowly went back to work.

The day began as any day would. Stacie and Danny hurriedly finished their chores and arrived at the store at least 1o minutes early grabbing their aprons on the way in. Danny began putting items on the back shelf while Stacie swept up her bagging area. Danny loved working at “Hank’s General”, he loved working with all the items and being able to tell people exactly where they were, but he loved working with Stacie more. There was something about her that made his heart thump and a tingle slip down his spine. Suddenly voices broke into his thoughts; he recognized Stacie and Mr. Pain speaking in a hushed manner. As he crept to the front of the store his heart almost broke as he heard Stacie’s angelic voice begging the manager for something that Danny already knew the answer to. Mr. Pain kept shaking his head and suddenly Stacie turned around and walked out of the store. Danny straightened up as Mr. Pain walked by him and then he ran out of the store as well. He found Stacie on a mucky bench a few feet away. He walked silently over to her not surprised in the least when she looked up at him and wiped her tears away as fast as she could. Without thought Stacie spoke, “he said I had poor workmanship, that I cost him more money then any other employee ever had in the history of the store”. Stacie looked miserable, her downcast eyes, and tear streaked face made Danny want to protect her but he held back, instead of hugging her tight and wiping away her tears, he patted her gently on the back “do you want me to walk you home?” Stacie looked up at him; he was the best friend she had ever had in her whole life, “no Danny, I want you to go back to work… I’ll be fine, promise” Danny nodded silently to her and gave her his hand helping her up with the greatest of ease. The friends departed both wishing they had something they couldn’t.

Stacie was working on an old fence singing softly while she worked. Danny walked towards her an envelope in his hand and handed it to her when she looked at him. No words were said as Stacie dug into it and she suddenly saw something she thought she would never see. She screamed hugging Danny with tremendous force. They talked for numerous amounts of minutes before Danny’s dad marched out his face was puffy with rage and his usual smile was replaced with a big frown. He stalked over to the two of them and stared Danny square in the eye “I can not believe you! We were at an agreement that you would buy new farm equipment instead you go off and buy a $500 dollar plane ticket! What were you thinking?!” He snatched the envelope from Stacie’s hand and walked off turning only to fiercely tell Danny to follow. Danny slowly trudged after his father looking back at Stacie with a helpless sorry on his face. Stacie felt awful, it was her fault, and she wanted the plane ticket, not Danny. She slowly took herself inside her own home, ashamed at the trouble she had caused.

The Year

Chapter 6

T he year came sooner then everyone realized it would. Blake was 18 now and moving out on his own. He had found a little apartment in the city and tears streaked everyone’s faces as he hugged them goodbye at the airport. He began mumbling that he would be back and time would pass quickly and that he loved them all so much. Suddenly his plane was called for boarding and Stacie burst into tears holding on to her only brother. He hugged her back then tore from her grip as he walked to the gate.

The same day Blake was leaving Stacie was celebrating her 16th birthday. But to her it didn’t feel like it, she still felt like a little girl wanting to do everything her brother wanted to do. She sat alone in the middle of one of their big fields just going over the details of that morning. Blake had woken them all up early and pulled them downstairs to the sweet smelling aroma of chocolate chip pancakes. Stacie’s favorite. Her brother had left a little present as well but she wasn’t allowed to open it until she got back from dropping off Blake. Her heart soared as she remembered seeing the most extraordinary silver bracelet with all these little charms of every place they had ever vacationed together as a family. Blake must have had it for years adding a new one every time they went somewhere. Inside the little velvet box was also a note:


Happy 16th birthday! How does it feel little sister to be older then you once were? To have a sense of freedom that you only experience for the first time at 16? Whether I am still with you now or have moved out I want you to know how much I love you! That much should be evident. I really hope you enjoy your present. When you ever miss me just look down at that bracelet and remember that I can still whoop your little butt in ping pong. I love you baby sister,


Stacie had had tears in her eyes when she read that. She looked down at the bracelet now and remembered Blake. Suddenly she heard Danny’s quick step behind her and she turned around, there he was her shining stone the one that held her up when she fell. “How are you?” Danny’s question rang through Stacie’s ears overtaking her thoughts. Tears formed in her eyes as she stated the obvious “I’ve been better” Danny paused and looked around for a moment then with a quick assurance he said “well, maybe this will cheer you up… Happy Birthday!” Suddenly he pulled a little puppy from behind his back. Stacie stared in wonder at the little golden dog wearing a pink collar, a little bow was tied to the tiny collar and the puppy wiggled its way to Stacie. She picked it up and cuddled with it then turned her questioning eyes to Danny “But… How…” “Truth be told, I found her a few days ago. I put up signs and called the pound but no one seemed to be missing her so I got legal papers from the office and well… here she is!” Stacie was shocked! She had a cuddly puppy, and people who loved her. Why was she so worried and sad about Blake? He would be back eventually and when he was then she could be happy then instead of feeling sad and alone now. She turned to Danny and gave him her biggest smile stating that she loved the present. Danny sat with her and they both laughed when Stacie put down the little pup and she whined.

2 days later Stacie had named the little pup Bailey; everywhere that Stacie tried to go the puppy was there. From the moment she woke up to the second she went to sleep, she was there. She was walking by the library door in the house when she suddenly heard a yell, her face turned pale as she creaked open the library door. Her dad was sitting there at his desk talking on the phone “I know I wasn’t the smartest with my money but don’t back out on me now! I need you buddy!” there was a few seconds pause then her father started talking again, “I know, I bet on that horse and lost all my money, I know that. Don’t you think that’s why we had to move out to this pig sty of a town and sell stinkin’ cows!” Stacie gasped and quickly closed the door, she had heard enough. Her father had gambled and that’s why they had to move to this… this… smelly place.

A Change Of Life

Chapter 7

Stacie awoke early 4 days later and did her morning chores as quickly as she could. Today she was going into town with her mom and they were looking into Christmas gifts since snow was already falling and it was mid November. After a quick breakfast of sausage and eggs they both climbed into the beat up pickup and as her mom set the car in motion Stacie was bottled down with a feeling like something amazing was going to happen today.

With Christmas almost near people were bustling all about reminding Stacie of the City except ten times smaller. She walked into a Computer Hardware store with her mother and began following her around the store when a lady walked up and gave Lucy a hug, they began talking and in as little as 5 minutes Stacie lost her patients and strolled off. Her mission was to get Blake a Christmas present; she looked around the store and saw something that would make his life way to easy and fun. She walked calmly over to it and turned it over in her hands. It was as simple as a little cord that plugged into the back of Blake’s laptop and gave him digital music anytime anywhere whether WiFi was available or not. This was the ultimate Christmas present! She glared at the price, $60 dollars for a small cord. But for Blake it was worth it especially after her birthday present. She pulled a box off the shelf and suddenly jumped as a dark voice played behind her. She turned around and standing there was a young man who looked almost perfect. He was muscular and tall with short blonde hair and blazing grey eyes. “Hey there, I’m Chad, and you are?” “Stacie” the dark voice began playing again “well, Stacie, didn’t mean to frighten you there but I noticed you were all alone and I couldn’t let that happen to a lady as pretty as yourself so I was wondering if you wanted to get some ice cream with me?” His eyes told her he had used this line before but she didn’t care. Slowly she nodded her head and motioned for him to follow as she went and told her mom handing her the present. She turned to Chad and a smile played on her lips as they walked out the door.

The ice cream was delicious! She hadn’t had any in a long time and although she was sure that the ice cream was good eating it with Chad made it amazing. He was a charmer that was for sure. He suddenly looked at Stacie “so, there’s this annual Christmas ball at the Mayor’s house and well, normally it’s really boring but if you were there then it would be amazingly perfect” Stacie considered her options. She never liked being played but she had a feeling this guy really did like her for her. “Like a date?” she asked hesitantly “a date” Stacie smiled she felt all warm inside even in the near freezing weather “ok then, it’s a date” she came inches from whispering the words but didn’t want Chad to take back his offer.

The New Guy

Chapter 8

Stacie had become pretty much inseparable with Chad since the Christmas Ball. He was cute and charming, and had that “I Love You” look every time he was with Stacie. He was there nearly everyday helping with chores that Tom had no time to do. He kept everyone entertained and on their toes waiting for him to come around the corner everyday. Lucy and Tom were constantly praising him and Danny soon slipped from the family’s mind. Stacie saw nothing but perfection with Chad and when she wasn’t awake thinking about him she was asleep dreaming about him. Her heart thudded in her chest every time he came near. His luscious blonde hair, amazing smile and muscular arms was enough to have every girl jealous and when they danced at the ball she could have sworn all the girls were staring at them in envy. She felt like a princess that night, her hair was swept atop her head in curly bun and a deep purple dress slipped in nicely between them completing her look. He had swept her off her feet the moment he asked her on a date. A honk suddenly sounded close to her as she was knocked out of her thoughts. Chad drove up in his dad’s pickup and hopped out, he walked up a smile playing on his lips as he pulled Stacie close and kissed her cheek. She nodded to the rope that lay next to her feet and he smiled, they both headed out to the field. Her dad had warned her that they would have to rope some cattle for sale in the next few days. She went and saddled up the old ranch horses that came with the property and handed the reins of one of them to Chad, he gave her a heart melting smile as they both mounted and rode out. She watched as Chad easily roped one of the cattle and trotted over to the open pen that they were using to keep all the for sale ones leading it all the while. Her heart warmed as she let her rope fly in the sky and land around the neck of a cow. Suddenly Danny was beside her on his horse Tammy and was about to let his rope glide across the land when Chad single handedly slipped his rope around the old bull’s neck. Danny’s heart sank he had just told Stacie to look as Chad got it. Suddenly he felt movement beside him and turned to see Stacie ride across the acre between her and Chad. She jumped off Barney and hugged Chad tightly, Danny only was able to catch some of what was being said “I just wanted a reason to hug you” Stacie was saying and Danny hung his head. It seemed that he wanted nothing but to impress Stacie since she first introduced him to Chad. He had never experienced the feeling before and he wasn’t exactly sure what it meant but he knew that for Chad to get all the attention after he had known Stacie for less then 2 months was inexcusable, still he was Staci’s friend and he would support her through anything that happened and be secretly glad when she dumped Chad.

The roping was done and Chad and Danny sat on the front porch while Stacie went to get some lemonade. Danny was looking out over the rolling hills of grass when he noticed that Chad was glaring at him with a look in his eye that told Danny he was not happy. Strangely he started talking as if he was his friend “look buddy, let me give you some advice…” His voice suddenly gave a harsh tone that Danny knew was coming from the beginning “Stay away from my girl, she loves me… not you, definitely not you. So back off, or you’ll regret it” Danny understood that feeling that hadn’t left his gut since they were roping the cattle, he was in love with Stacie Ducrati! This whole time when he felt he needed to protect her and when all he wanted to do was hold her he suddenly understood… His thoughts came crashing down as Stacie walked out juggling 3 glasses of mouth watering lemonade.

Big News

Chapter 9

The week moved on slowly for Danny, he felt so strange. Stacie was going out with a complete and total jerk and he had feelings for her. Saturday evening he finally made up his mind that he was going to let his feelings be known. He couldn’t stand by and let what has happening with Stacie continue. He pulled off his work shirt and threw on the only white striped button down he owned. He looked in the mirror and messed his hair up with his hands. He was going to tell her, he had to. He glanced one more time at himself and frowned *well, this is as good as it’s going to get* he stole a look at his watch, 5:30, *alright time to move* he slowly crossed the acres of land separating their houses and opened the back door to the Ducrati’s house. He stepped inside and closed it slowly behind him suddenly he was blown away. Stacie was sitting there in a denim mini skirt and pink old navy shirt, a smile was on her face and her voice rang out clear and loud “Hey there cowboy, you look fancy where are you going tonight?” Danny could feel his face heating up “Umm, actually I need to tell you something” suddenly there was a horn and Stacie gave him a sympathetic glance “tell me tomorrow ok? Chad’s here” she turned and grabbed her jacket slipping her size 7 feet in her high heels and running out the door. Danny sighed, *Chad again* He closed his eyes and thought about what they might be doing tonight.

As the clock struck 10 Danny was lying on the couch in the Ducrati’s living room watching TV waiting for Stacie, he had set his mind to doing this and he was going to. Suddenly he heard a car door shut and turned off the TV sitting up straight. Stacie walked in and froze for a second confusion set in her eyes then just as quickly as it came about it was gone. She took off her shoes and hung up her designer jacket then slid onto the couch beside him, “hey Dan, what’s up?” Danny looked at her, he knew what she was talking about but took a few seconds to start the reply. His face was growing hotter, he could feel it. “Look, Stacie, I know that you’re going out with Chad and you seem really content with him but… Stacie I…” The look of terror in her eyes was unmistakable. He stopped talking as she got up and started toward the stairs. “It’s late, don’t you think? A lot to do tomorrow so goodnight” He could hear her feet pounding up the stairs and the rhythm matched his own heart beat. He looked around for a second and then stood; he locked the doors and walked out of the house toward the dark home down the lane. Stacie wanted nothing but friendship with him, maybe not even that after tonight. He would do anything for her and if that meant staying just friends then he would. He closed his eyes as he kept walking… *just friends*.

The Announcement

Chapter 10

Time passed quickly from there, Danny and Stacie had stayed friends and although it was awkward in the beginning they soon fell into the old routine. Today was Staci’s 17th birthday and Blake had come back to celebrate it. They had eaten cake as a family and opened presents laughing and jolly. Blake suddenly stood up pausing all the laughter and fun going around. He looked them all in the eyes and took a deep breath “Ok, look, umm… I met someone, her name is Anna and we’re… engaged. The wedding, well… it’s this Saturday” all Mouths slammed open at the announcement as Blake clenched his teeth. Lucy spoke first “Well… that’s… I mean that’s great dear” Blake looked to his mother, the one who gave him life and he could feel the tense moment pass. Tom spoke next, “I’m proud of you son, you’ll look great in a tux” “thanks dad” was the simple reply that put all thoughts about Staci’s birthday in the back of everyone’s heads.

Stacie stood in the church Saturday. Anna had saved her a spot as her bridesmaid so as she looked in the mirror at the pale peach dress that 7 other people wore she felt a sense of lost time. Soon enough she would be the one who would be the lady in white. Soon enough it would be her turn to move. The doors to the church flew open and Danny walked in wearing his father’s old tux, the one that was still a little big, the one that his mother assured him that he looked handsome in. He walked in steadily at first and then froze. Standing at the top of the stairs just feet away was Stacie. He stared at her the peach colored dress made her blue eyes sparkle with a shine he hadn’t seen any other time. Suddenly he was being shaken and he looked down into Stacie’s eyes. “Danny, the wedding is starting you have to go get seated…” she motioned to a set of double doors that he assumed held a crowd of people on the other side. “Are you ok?” she finished her sentence and looked into Danny’s eyes humor showing in every glint. Danny nodded and headed the way she pointed. “You look beautiful by the way” he threw over his shoulder as he vanished through the double doors.

Stacie was exhausted! Being a bridesmaid at the spur of the moment was something she wasn’t use to anymore. Her parents were going to stay and help clean up the mess of the party as Stacie and Danny headed home. They walked ever so slowly both enjoying the night air “so, did you have fun?” Stacie asked exhaustion very evident in her every word. “I did, you were amazing” Stacie looked up at Danny when suddenly there was a honking behind them. They both stopped and turned around surprisingly Tom was positioned behind the wheel his wife next to him, they told the kids to hop in quickly and as they did Lucy turned around and stared Danny in the eye “Danny, baby, your dad’s really sick. We’re going to help him but you need to stay at our house with Stacie ok?” Stacie looked over at Danny and saw shock and hurt at the same time as he slowly nodded his head. Her heart was pounding “it’s ok” she managed to get out as her hand came to his shoulder in a rhythmic rub. Danny’s parents were like her second parents, she was scared for them too. They reached the house and slowly walked in the darkened rooms. Both had unease showing on their faces.

Time To Let Go

Chapter 11

Both Stacie and Danny sat down slowly on the couch. No words came; none were needed as they sat there in the deafening silence. Stacie stood and paced around the front of the plasma screen TV suddenly her voice rang out “how about a movie?” without waiting for a reply she popped ‘The Blue Safari’ in the DVD player and waited. The TV clicked easily on and as the movie began playing Stacie took her seat next to Danny, they were both still dressed in their formal clothes but none of that mattered, Stacie’s best friend was hurting, his dad may be dying and the least she could do was act as natural as possible.

“The lion reached out and swiped the camera man aside. With blood already on its paws there was no stopping it from killing the lady that would change its life. He began approaching closer, and closer to the women” when all of the sudden the doorbell sounded in the distance. Danny and Stacie jumped literally freaked out from the horror movie they were watching. Stacie looked to Danny and saw humor in his twinkling eyes she rose from her seat and walked slowly to the front door. As she opened it she saw Chad’s silhouette and a smile parted her lips. He walked inside the door as Stacie glanced at the clock, it was near midnight already, she turned her attention to Chad he looked at her confused “Who’s here?” Stacie’s brows lowered in question and then shot back “Danny his…” her words were cut off before she could even begin to finish them. “Danny? That spas? Ha, I thought I told you that you would be better off being friends with a cow!” Stacie clenched her teeth together, “listen here Chad, Danny has been my best friend since I moved here, it took hours for this dress to get fitted…” she twirled the bottom of it “and you, my so called boyfriend, didn’t even notice. Danny did, he said I look beautiful, he always does and if you think that is being a spas then you don’t know what one is because I’m looking at one right now” Chad gawked at her, she had never defended Danny before, never risen her voice to him like so many of his buddies girlfriends do. “Look babe, it’s me or him” he raised his eyebrows in question. “You know what, I would choose Danny over you any day any time!” with that Stacie pushed the astonished Chad out the door, “and if that didn’t make it clear, we are so through!” with that she shut the door and took a deep breath not knowing that Danny had heard every word from the other room.

4 AM struck with Lucy and Tom walking in the house, they looked around and spotted Danny and Stacie both on the couch, Stacie had fallen asleep on Danny’s shoulder just hours ago and with both of them snoozing Lucy and Tom crept upstairs to make their way to their own bedroom knowing that everything was ok with Danny’s dad.

The Final Day

Chapter 12

The day had come when Stacie had turned the young adult age of 18. She hadn’t dated anyone since she broke up with Chad close to a year ago and wasn’t exactly ready to date anyone either. She and Danny had spent the day together trying to figure out the best college to apply for. When she settled her sites on CSU a whole few states away from her home in Beaver Creek Danny gave her a sad frown “I wish you would just go here, but I know it’s time to fly away from the nest” he looked down as if he was almost ashamed of what he just said or maybe there was more. Maybe there were tears in his eyes. Stacie looked at him “I know, I’m going to miss you a lot but they have a good medical school and I’ll be back in 6 years with all the medical training I could need to be a nurse or at least close… what about you though, aren’t you going to be going anywhere for college?” He looked up then and shook his head, “my dad’s not doing well, and I’m needed here, besides ranching will be my life anyway” Stacie looked at the friend that was always by her side and sighed. “Sometimes Danny, I feel like your parents are running your life, your 19 and they keep ‘needing’ you or not letting you decide how to spend you life” Danny looked concerned at first then the look went away. “I feel the same way at times, but ranching is what I’m good at, besides my dad did ask me if I would stay, he didn’t just butt in and say I had to” Stacie let the moment pass for now all that mattered was what little time she had left with her only friend.

Stacie was all packed, she was headed to Fort Collins, Colorado, about to leave, take the leap for the first time. She looked around her large practically bare room and for the first time tears welled in her eyes, she had grown to love this place and all that happened… or didn’t happen around here. Now she was leaving and she couldn’t help but feel like a piece of her heart was leaving too. It was late in the evening, Danny and her had spent the day together. They went to the old “great Oak” and fished together just like old times. Her heart melted as they saddled Tammy and Barney and rode them out to one of the far off hills to watch the sun go down. When they had made it back that night and ate dinner together one last time her parents made Danny promise to still come and eat some meals with them. He looked to Stacie and his eyes glassed over with tears as he accepted.

Tears were spilling from everyone’s eyes as Stacie said goodbye the next morning at the airport. She hugged her mom “thanks for making me move out here” she mumbled as tears clogged her throat. Her mom gave her a weak smile as she moved down the line. She finally got to Danny, “hey cowboy, you’re my best friend, don’t forget me ok?” she kissed his stubbled cheek and began moving away as her plane was called “I never could!” Danny called after her. She turned around and tried to cover the evident tears that ran down her cheeks with each passing moment.

The New Girl In Town

Chapter 13

It was sunny and hot but nothing compared to Beaver Creek as she stepped into the streets of Denver. Her life was changing and here it was taking a new path. She had called a cab moments after she got off the plane and hustled outside to wait. It suddenly pulled up and she hopped in “Fort Collins please” The driver mumbled as she sat back and waited, it was about an hour and 30 minute ride to get there. She watched the city change into just scenery and her eyes found new stuff all the time. The driver pulled into her apartment complex sometime later and she paid him quickly, eager to get out of the car and see her new home. She had a room mate, Sarah Evans; she was going to CSU also so there would be a lot of common ground for them to walk on. She slowly slid up her apartment side stairs to her floor and walked down the metal grates. As she unlocked her door she pulled her sunglasses up on top of her head and stepped inside. The apartment was already furnished but a few things seemed to be added and she guessed Sarah had already moved in. Suddenly as if she had said her name out loud a young woman’s head popped around the corner then she walked out. Red hair framed the freckle dotted face of the woman and her tall slender figure looked as if she worked out consistently. “Hi I’m Sarah, you must be Stacie?” she held out her hand and Stacie took it “yes I am, nice to meet you” within the hour movers were coming in and out of the house with all of Stacie’s stuff her heart was proud as she looked at HER new place. Now all they needed was for college to start and her life could begin.

A month had passed by quickly and Stacie was holding a 4.0 GPA. She had conversed with her parents about it and they all were thrilled for her. She had just got back from 3 tests and 1 pop quiz from school when she thought of writing a letter to the family she was forced to leave behind.

Dear mom and dad,

I miss you all so much! College is such a drag but I’m looking forward to finishing this and coming home. Today was a good day, I feel pretty confident that I aced all my tests and this one pop quiz in Mr. Owens class. Well, other then that Sarah and I are such good friends now; we really have a great time together. Give Bailey a kiss for me and tell Danny I miss him. I love you guys

All my love,


She stuck in an envelope and ran down to the post office hoping she could drop it in the drop before it closed. She was still lucky and got there and back in just enough time to see Sarah walk through the door. She missed Danny and her family like crazy and couldn’t wait to go back for Christmas. But now it was time to concentrate on the future not the past.

The Grad

Chapter 14

Stacie walked down the red carpet onto the stage shaking her principles hand while receiving her long awaited diploma. She had finished pre-med and had been gone for 4 long years. The last time she saw anyone from home was 2 years ago. She had written but was swamped with classes. So when she had promised to come back for Christmas 3 years ago she never knew that she wouldn’t be able to. But now she could go back and see her only family the only problem was, a school in Europe had such faith in her that they wanted her to come and finish med school, being able to shadow some of the greatest nurses and doctors of all time. Her world seemed to all be ok on the outside but it was crumbling in front of her. The school in Europe wanted her now in 2 weeks tops in order to get her in and signed up for the once in a lifetime chance. How could she possibly give that up just for a visit to the folks? Stacie admitted this all to Sarah hours later in a sobbing heap. “I just miss everyone so much Sarah!” her friend gave her a hug and then looked at her with humor “I think you should go back and marry that cute cowboy” Stacie’s sobbing subsided as a short laugh set in “but Danny is just a friend” Sarah suddenly looked at her stone hard, “then your eyes are deceiving you, Stacie come on, you talk about him all the time, you smile when you think of him, and you need to just admit that you love him” Stacie glared at her for a long second then realized that Sarah was right, all along that feeling she had for Danny she pushed away, she always convinced herself that somehow Danny was just her friend. But now… now she knew the pain staking truth. She was in love in Danny. That night she stayed up late working on what to say to Danny, she was going to write him a letter, that had to be the answer, then if he still loved her she could go back to him but if he didn’t or she didn’t get a reply then she could at least fly to Europe and get there on time. She was so overwhelmed as more and more crumpled up pieces of paper lay helplessly in the trash. She finally fell into a deep slumber lying at her desk.


Chapter 15

Stacie rode her beat up $50 dollar bike to the airport; she didn’t have a laptop and had to somehow see about getting the plane ticket that would take her home. She talked to someone at the information desk and nearly fell to her knees when she heard her response. The price had sky rocked since she last looked at it, no way did she have the money for that. She got herself through the door and closed it behind her sliding slowly to the floor. She sat there crying her back to the door, there was no way she could get home it was just too far away to take anything less then a plane. And she couldn’t very well ride her bicycle to Beaver Creek. She started thinking about the last time she saw Danny, His stubbled cheek felt calming and funny as she kissed it and looked into his drooping eyes. He said he could never forget her. But now, with no way to get home she just knew that eventually he would move on. The school in Europe had offered to pay for all travel expenses and the first 3 weeks in a hotel room until she found an apartment. Why they wanted her so badly was questionable, but she did graduate top of her class, her heart still soared when she thought about her future in medicine. All she wanted to do though was get home and see the man she was in love with. The man that might be in love with her too. Suddenly there was a bump on her back as she turned around and saw a frowning Sarah try to push her way in. Stacie pushed herself to her feet and looked Sarah in the eye, “I don’t have enough, I can’t get home” Her weeping eyes told Sarah everything that had gone on. Sarah reached for her friend and grabbed hold of her as tightly as she could muster. Then she pushed back and stared at Stacie, taking in her face was enough, she knew what she had to do.

1 hour later Stacie was at the airport with Sarah still not sure what they were going to do. They walked up to the ticket booth and Sarah glanced at Stacie then with out fault she pulled out her Visa card, Stacie gasped and looked at her as she handed it over. “Sarah! What are you doing?!” Sarah smiled at her “just promise to invite me to the wedding ok?” Stacie looked at her hard, her friend had just handed over the money for Stacie to be able to see the man she loves, Sarah was selfless, her own parents hadn’t seen her for nearly a year and here she was giving the money to Stacie. The lady behind the counter handed over a ticket and as Sarah pressed it into Stacie’s hand her voice was still able to be heard above the hustle and bustle of people “make me proud girl” she hugged her and it was at that moment that Stacie knew she had made a friend for life.

The plane was in the air in less then 2 hours. Stacie sat in her seat pondering how everything was going to work. She fumbled with a small packet of peanuts slowly going over all the details playing in her mind. No one knew she was coming; it was going to be a complete surprise she thought quickly and then her tense body relaxed as her thoughts turned to Danny and the time he taught her to ride old Barney. Just when she would begin to pull Barney into a trot she would fall, Danny always got to her quickly and sat her up. He would swipe the hair from her eyes and ask if she was ok. She always thought the hardest part of that was when he would tell her to get back on. Now it all seemed too surreal like she was watching a movie play out from the audience. Stacie loved the old memories that ran through her head. But seriously, she had not seen him for 2 years, she hadn’t even kept track of his life for a whole 4 years. Maybe he was married and had kids already. Stacie’s stomach flipped and she began regretting her even getting on the plane when the person next to her began talking. She was an older lady maybe early 50s and her hair had grayed some. “You know, I afraid to fly home. I gone 10 years. I afraid because my son may not remember me but just because I have these fears I know it be okay, my son may or may not remember me but eventually that all be past” the old lady looked content and Stacie realized that was exactly what she needed to hear. She found new strength as she the thought came across that maybe Danny won’t love her when she gets there but someday he might. She sat there in her seat no longer afraid about what may happen in the next few days. But instead the strength that came over her overwhelmed her with joy and she felt happy for the first time in the past 4 hours.


Chapter 16

The airport in Beaver Creek looked the same to Stacie, nothing had quite changed yet she had. Now she was someone on a mission. She got her suitcase and exited the airport. She began a brisk walk home when she suddenly heard a voice behind her as she turned around she saw someone she never thought she would see again. “Well, well, Stacie Ducrati, I never thought I would see you around these parts again!” It was Chad. Stacie smiled awkwardly at him and kept walking. He was pudgy now and already his once gorgeous blonde hair was thinning. Her mind continued to compare how he used to look and now when a hand grabbed her petite shoulder. She almost jumped out of her skin and suddenly before she even knew what she was doing her karate came into play. She was a black belt, studying it for the whole time she was in Fort Collins. She grabbed back at the hand and swiftly flipped him over and onto the ground. She suddenly caught herself seeing as it was only Chad and held a hand out to him. He wiped some dirt from his jeans and looked at her “hey, sorry didn’t mean to scare you there. I was wondering, do you need a ride home?” Stacie glanced around, her angelic eyes wandering the hillside. She wanted to get home so badly, a few short minutes with Chad wouldn’t hurt. “Look Chad, I didn’t come back to date you, or even be friends with you after what happened but… a ride would be great” Chad’s stern face held relief as he turned around and ran off toward his pickup driving it up to her. Stacie put her bag in the back and hopped in the front of the car. 10 minuets and she would be home, seeing her parents and maybe even Danny.

Chad had been perfectly behaved he dropped her off then turned around not even asking to talk or come inside or anything else. Stacie began to walk up the driveway when she noticed about 5 cowboys sitting in her front yard; she slowed a little and stared at them. Then just as quickly as she stopped she began walking again keeping her head held high and her chin thrust in the air. She was just 7 feet away from getting to the front door when one of the more outgoing cowboys stepped in front of her. “I haven’t seen you around these parts, you must be new, and I’m just the one to show you around” He took her hand and brought it to his lips. Stacie frowned and pulled back when the front door opened and Tom stepped out. “Is there a problem here gentlemen?” the chorused responses were quick and sharp “No sir!” Tom glanced at each of them “Then why is Hogey kissing my little girl’s hand?” Stacie had moved and stood beside her father now “If anyone else lays even a finger on her, not only will you be fired but I will sue you for anything you have left. Is that clear?” again as if in a chorus the men responded “Yes Sir!” Tom pulled Stacie inside and into an embrace bigger then he could have imagined. His little girl was finally home.

Hours had passed with Lucy, Tom and Stacie all seated around the kitchen table. Stacie had told them about the school in Europe and how she had to come home first. All of them were fading fast and with little discussion they departed and laid on their beds settling into a deep sleep.

The Great Oak

Chapter 17

The next morning Stacie went out to the Great Oak adjoining the two properties. It wasn’t like Dan was suppose to meet her or anything but she was too nervous to just walk up and ring the doorbell. For hours she watched the cattle move from place to place. Little calves following their mommies around without mercy. She suddenly felt as alone as the rolling hills in the distance, no houses were built there and all it has is grass planted in each inch of its terrain. Her heart began to cry out at the sight. She still sat there even when her stomach began to growl at what she guessed was lunch time. As if she had made a wish one of the ranch hands appeared. He was cute, tall and tanned with shining red hair and a face with past stories playing on it. He handed her over a brown paper sack and no words were spoken as she began pulling out the meat sandwich and pear. She looked into the bottom of the bag; her mom knew just how to cheer her up. Sitting there in her hand was a freshly baked cookie with ‘I Love You’ written on it. She smiled, all the while the lone cowboy watched her with a smile planted on his own face “I’m Sam by the way” Stacie looked at him and smiled once again. She was at a loss for words as was he since he didn’t speak. “Thank you” Stacie began, the frozen ranch hand seemed almost melted at her words “oh, it was nothing, you’re welcome” With that he was off leaving Stacie to sigh heavily shaking her head.

It was near 6 or so said her cell phone when she looked at it. There was no way he was going to come now, she hoisted herself up from the fence and walked slowly inside. She had been defeated by time, and not only now but in the past as well. Who cares what college she went to, she should have just stayed here like Danny had wanted her to that way she wouldn’t even be feeling so nervous to just knock on his door. But maybe she would have never really realized that she was in love with him if she didn’t leave. It was all too confusing. She was 22 and never officially been in love until she met Danny, even then she didn’t understand the feelings. She figured that she viewed him more as a brother then a boyfriend. Now, here, she knew that she had kidded herself into thinking that, and that he really was always there for her. He was the one who caught her when she fell, the one who talked to her everyday even when she was steaming angry. Her mother’s voice cam crashing down on her thoughts, “I don’t know why you don’t just go over to his house honey” Stacie sighed. “It’s hard to explain, but I feel weird. What if he has kids and a wife or maybe a girlfriend” Tom sighed and nodded toward his wife “He never stays long when he comes over for dinner every couple months” Stacie could feel her heart breaking. “See that’s the problem, I love him, but it would be so embarrassing if his girlfriend walked up right when I was telling him” Lucy put her hand on Stacie’s arm, “you’ll never know unless you try baby”

Stacie’s head hit the pillow early that night as she closed her eyes she could only see the scene she regretted since the day Sarah convinced her she loved him.

“‘look, Stacie, I know that you’re going out with Chad and you seem really content with him but… Stacie I…’ The look of terror in Stacie’s eyes was unmistakable. Danny stopped talking as Stacie got up and started toward the stairs. “It’s late, don’t you think? A lot to do tomorrow so goodnight”

Stacie could still feel her feat pounding up the stairs. That was her chance with Danny and she herself had blown it.

See You in The Morning

Chapter 18

The next evening Stacie had finally worked up the courage to knock on Danny’s door. Her plan was simple as her finger hit the doorbell, she would go in talk about normal stuff, and then she would tell him the real reason she came back here. She took a deep breath as she heard feet coming closer and closer to the door, then it opened and she saw Danny for the first time in 2 years. Her breath caught in her throat. He was tall and slim probably about 6’3″ tan and had cut the long hair that had decorated his younger years, he wasn’t the boy she saw last time but a man that she just now got to see. But he wasn’t the only one subject to change, she had changed a lot, her once short brown hair hung long fell in curls down to about 6″ higher then her waist and she had filled out a lot more then she once did. Her regular blue jeans were intact and her small light blue button down shirt only added an ease to her face, even in her cowboy boots she was only 5’6″ and as much as she wanted to be taller she had a feeling that she would fit perfectly under Danny’s arm if she ever got the chance. Suddenly as if just coming out of a dream she was being hugged and she smiled as her arms wrapped around him too.

They had gone inside and talked about nearly everything under the sky. “My mom is in the nursing home and my dad died about 6 months ago… So now I own the ranch” his smile turned just sly of a frown and Stacie patted him on his shoulder before anything else was said. Then with a slight uneasiness she knew it was time to tell him. “Danny, actually I came back here because…” She paused and took a deep breath, her voice was coming back to her when she realized someone was standing in front of her, she looked up and noticed a young woman about her age, with straight black hair and a small figure. She was wearing high heels and expensive looking clothing. Danny instantly got up and took the woman’s hand, “stac, this is Jessie…” he paused and looked into the woman’s eyes “my fiancé” Stacie’s pleasant smile turned upside down and she looked intensely at the two. “That’s great!” she couldn’t believe she had just said those words but she stood and walked slowly to the front door, she could feel Danny following her and he caught her arm before she could get out the door. “What’s wrong?” he asked innocently, Stacie knew better then to let her feelings go now “nothing I just don’t feel that great… I need to get home” she pulled from his grasp and walked out the door with Danny calling after her “see you in the morning” Stacie walked mournfully home. Her chance came years ago and she blew it. Now she understood the importance of time.

The Broken Heart

Chapter 19

The next morning came quickly. One minute Stacie is out front her house working vigorously on weeding the flower garden and the next she’s in the back seat of Danny’s pick up on her way to town with Jessie as well. Every time Danny looked at Stacie her heart would flip. Every time he kissed Jessie she would grit her teeth in envy. She wasn’t going to say anything to Danny about how she felt. She had accepted earlier that morning to be one of the bridesmaids at the wedding that was coming that Saturday, 3 days away. All that Stacie wanted was to see Danny happy, and if Jessie made him happy then she would back off and fly to Europe the second the wedding was over. But for now her feelings had to be contained in a tight sealed bottle.

All the errands had been done and they were on their way out of town when Jessie spotted the old ice cream parlor. With her begging and whining they finally went in and got 2 cones one for Jessie and Danny and one for Stacie. Stacie sat there watching Danny and Jessie each take a turn licking the cone while hers melted away, dripping slowly down her thumb. How had she managed to screw up her life so badly? She couldn’t see past Chad’s annoying charm back then and never got her chance to say yes to Danny that she loved him the way he loved her. Otherwise she might be in Jessie’s shoes getting married to the man she came to know and love as Danny.

Like Sisters

Chapter 20

The next afternoon Stacie had come over for some ice tea with Jessie and Danny, she had been working with the ranch hands all morning and was sorer then she had felt in a long time. The sun was shining down on their heads highlighting the flowers surrounding the back patio of Danny’s house when Jessie leaned over and whispered in Stacie’s ear, “I know you’re going to think I’m a complete idiot for this, and it’s probably true but, I didn’t get my dress done until last week so I have to go in for a final fitting, and I was wondering if you would come with me” Stacie’s ears hurt, it should be her final fitting with a beautiful dress. But she agreed and Danny drove them out there, he had some things to buy in town so while they worked on the dress he would finish getting the stuff for the cattle to be sold and then he would pick them up.

The Bridal Sheik was the nicest only bridal store in town. The entered and Stacie’s heart started to swell, all the beautiful dresses surrounding her gave her the sense of joy but that’s not the feeling she got at all. Stacie was sitting outside the large fitting room waiting for Jessie to come out. She looked around the room, there were 2 other people in there besides Jess and Stacie and the clerks were smiling and happy. There was a rustle in front of her and suddenly there she was the dress in place, the dress that she had said came from her dreams, the dress that fit her perfectly and the dress that Stacie despised. Stacie pushed herself up and began crying she ran from the store, she just couldn’t take it! She would get train tickets back to Fort Collins and then get her things and fly to Europe. She still had a week to get there so that was perfect. She would leave in the morning. Stacie started to take the rode home tears streaked her face as she ran.

Pick Me Up

Chapter 21

Stacie was exhausted; she had run for the last 30 minutes. She looked around at all the beautiful trees and flowers that grew widely around the road, clouds seemed to be threatening the small town and as she looked at them she yelled, louder then she had in a long time. No cars or people could hear her, suddenly as if by the snap of a finger the rain began to pour down. Stacie looked up for a bit and the once quiet, dry land became drenched in cold water. She ran her fingers threw her ponytail in the back of her head and started to walk forward. Flash floods were a big problem here at Beaver Creek and she needed to get home before she got caught in one. Within 10 minutes of walking she was soaked to the bone and shivering something fierce and although she couldn’t see her lips she knew they had turned blue. Her sweatshirt clung to her as she pushed forward almost blinded by how fast the rain was falling. Then out of nowhere there was the rumble of a truck engine and Stacie turned around to see Danny pull forward at a slow pace his look was worried at first but when he saw her it instantly changed to relief. He pulled up along side her and stuck his head out the window the rain beating down on the rim of his hat. “Get in!” he yelled over the noise of the outside world. Stacie shook her head and kept walking still shivering from the cold. He kept in pace with her “Come on Stacie, don’t be stubborn! Get in the car!” Stacie stopped; she at least had to let him know. “Danny, the real reason I came back here is because… because I love you, every one I’ve dated in the last 4 years didn’t feel right, and now I know why. Danny all I want is for you to be happy no matter what that means. You chose Jessie so she is the one that you must love. I’m sorry, I thought I could handle being here, seeing you get married to someone other then me, but honestly I can’t. I tried to be normal, I tried to not let my feelings get in the way I really did, but I can’t pretend that everything is fine, I can’t pretend that you’re just a friend. I just can’t…” Stacie was shacking even more now and she could feel her body start to give in to hyperthermia “That’s why I’m leaving tomorrow, the early train let’s hope. Then I’ll go home and fly to Europe to finish med school. And you and Jessie can lead your own lives. Please don’t say anything just take me home” She climbed into the truck and instantly felt warmer again; he must have turned the heat up full bore for her. But being cold didn’t bug her it was that he didn’t say anything, if he loved her he would have gone completely against what she had told him to do and speak maybe even kiss her. Now at least she knew. He was Jessie’s now and forever. She would print a ticket out online and leave first thing.

The Next Day

Chapter 22

Stacie climbed out of bed early the next morning and tiptoed around the house, getting breakfast and writing a note to her parents. No one knew she was leaving so the least she could do was write a letter.

Dear mom and dad,

I wish I could tell you everything worked out but… it didn’t, I broke down last night and told Danny the real reason why I came. I don’t know what he thought but whatever it is he didn’t care to share. I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to love anyone else but I know that the next step for me to take will be Europe. I’m excited for what lays ahead so I hope that nothing but good things come from now on. And who knows maybe I will meet some one out there that’s perfect for me. I left at 5 this morning and I hope you’ll understand but I just couldn’t say good bye. I love you guys a lot, I’ll write from my new address when I get one.

Love Stacie

Stacie’s heart closed up as she put the envelope on the counter and walked from the house with her suitcase rolling behind her. She was leaving all that she had hoped to embrace and once again it was time to start a new life. She started to roll her suitcase along the bumpy dirt road when Sam pulled up in his truck he stuck his head out the window “Hey, can I give you a ride?” Stacie smiled and nodded as he jumped out and grabbed her suitcase putting it in the back and opening the front passenger door for her. She started talking to him in a way she couldn’t believe, he was so easy to talk to, something Stacie loved. The small talk continued as she headed to her new destination.

They arrived at the train station some time later both smiling and laughing. Stacie took the cowboy’s hand and held it in her own; studying it she flipped it over and took out a pen. She wrote her cell phone number on it and he smiled at her as she pronounced her farewell. Slowly and confidently Stacie climbed aboard the awaiting train and waved sweetly taking her seat. She looked out the fogging window and couldn’t help but see Danny’s smiling face he still had a little stubble and- *oh! I can’t keep thinking about him! He’s getting married to a beautiful girl tomorrow, and he doesn’t even love me! How could I have been so stupid to not see what was so clearly in my face a few years back… he was in love with ME! I’m such an idiot* her thoughts cracked right down the middle as she began sobbing, softly at first and then harder when the train began pulling into motion. In an instant someone took the only seat next to her and she turned toward the window tucking her knees under her and wiping the tears that threatened to destroy the rest of her dignity. Her sobbing quickly subsided but she could still herself crying on the inside her heart was being ripped out. As if by some miracle a voice so sweet interrupted her very thoughts. “Thought you could just leave without saying goodbye?” Stacie turned around and sitting in the seat next to her was the person who she thought was out of her life for sure, the person who she had just recently discovered her love for him, sitting there was Danny. He spoke before she could take another breath “Stacie, I’ve loved you since the first day I met you, only I didn’t know quite what love was back then. But Stac before I even considered asking for Jessie’s hand I thought about all the time we spent together and mainly the one night you shut me down cold. I still loved you after that but a wall came up in a way. I thought that you would take the job in Europe your parents had talked so much about and I would never see your face again…” he brushed his thumb against her cheek “I thought that I could marry Jessie and not have a problem, have kids and then grow old with her. But Stacie, seeing you again, more importantly seeing the love in your eyes last night, well let’s just say that unfortunately for Jessie I’m still madly in love with you.” He looked in her eyes with hope and love and Stacie knew at that moment she had to apologize, a single teardrop slid down her face “Danny I’m so sorry I never saw through Chad, he was a jerk and I knew that you didn’t like him but…” Danny brought a finger to her lips, “I love you stac” and with that he pulled her into an innocent kiss that both of them had been longing for. As Danny pulled away a glint of worry entered his eyes, “We have to go back, I can’t just leave all my problems and I have a ranch to run. Jessie is supposed to be at my house in an hour” Stacie nodded in agreement and they planned to get off at the next stop in 10 minutes.

Crashing Plans

Chapter 23

Danny and Stacie arrived at the ranch 2 hours later. Stacie burst into her parent’s house with a smile that hadn’t left her lips since Danny’s lips brushed her own. Her parents were gathered around the table with her note in Tom’s hands, tears were in their eyes but as they looked up that quickly changed to shock and then excitement. Danny walked in behind Stacie and they some how all sensed that seats were needed to be taken. As they all sat down Danny began. “Tom, Lucy, we’ve all known each other for a long time and here I was all ready to marry Jessie when Stacie came back into my life. I’ve loved Stacie since the moment I laid eyes on her, and I realize now that the only person who can make me happy in life is her. So please I’m asking for your blessing” Stacie squeezed Danny’s hand and they looked at each other. Love burning in their eyes, then they glanced back at the people deciding their future.

Danny winked at Stacie as he walked inside his house, he was going to tell Jessie the wedding was off and she did not want to be there when that happened. Stacie looked around at the land, it had rained all night last night and the area was drenched with mud. Suddenly Stacie heard a scream and stomping and Jessie walked out the front door in her expensive high heel leather boots. She glared at Stacie, a glare completely evil. She walked over to Stacie screaming “this is all your fault! Did you know he’s rich? Yea he is, and that means that I was going to be too! How dare you! You little back stabbing man stealing snob!” her scream became a cry as she shoved Stacie back and walked off to her car. Stacie staggered backwards and right when she felt she had her footing she tripped over the back of a log falling onto the muddy ground. Not even a second passed and Danny was there he gave her his hand and pulled her up laughing. “What?” Stacie asked a grin coming to her face as well. Danny moved his hand to her soft face and wiped off the mud covering her cheek. At that point they were both cracking up from the expression on Jessie’s face and the events of what must have been the hardest last 24 hours.

Wedding Bells

Chapter 24

The music switched over as Danny looked down the aisle there stood his bride. Stacie’s dress flowed behind her as she started her descent down the aisle her brown hair was up in a perfect bun with ringlets poking out at different spots, the best set of crystal jewelry was selected and her blue eyes sparkled. Stacie looked around the room Danny’s mom and her parents had tears streaking their faces, there were tons of dressed up cowboys and as her eyes found Sam she smiled, Hogey nudged Sam with his elbow and they both smiled even broader. Then her eyes found her maid of honor, Sarah, she silently mouthed ‘I owe you’ Sarah continued to smile and a tear streaked her face. Stacie continued on this time only seeing her soon-to-be-husband. They met and Danny took her hand, a perfect fit between them. Then they both turned to the preacher.

They had said their vows and the preacher looked at them with a fondness that almost overwhelmed him, “Danny you may kiss the bride” Danny smiled and lifted the veil up and over Stacie’s head then he pulled her to him in their first kiss as man and wife.

2 years had quickly flown by as Stacie was admitted to the delivery room; she was having a little girl. Danny stayed with her the whole time and constantly had a worried look on his face but his green eyes were twinkling. When they first found out they were having a girl they had pondered over names for weeks and finally decided to name her after the one person who had gotten them together. 30 minutes turned into 4 hours and finally the little girl’s screaming cry hit the new parent’s ears. The baby was handed to Stacie and she looked down into the big green eyes, the little baby found her father’s pinky finger in an instant and he looked down at her “Hi little Sarah, welcome to the world.”

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