“Suits” Season Finale in Review

USA Networks freshman hit show Suits ended the season with a big cliffhanger that will surly shake up the show when it returns next summer. The episode was about Harvey trying to free a man he but away when he was working in the D.A.’s office. Harvey came across new information that had gotten buried during the original case that proved that the kid he accused of murder wasn’t in fact the murder. Harvey had to right the wrong, it’s the first time we really seen Harvey care so much about a case.

Mike in the season finale was dealing with the return of Trevor. Trevor returned to town looking for a fresh start, and was hoping that Mike could help him out by letting him stay with him for a few days. Mike let Trevor stay with him. Mike was wrestling with when he should tell Trevor about him and Jenny. Mike didn’t want to lie because he is already living a lie at work and didn’t want to live one at home. Of course Trevor knows Mike’s secret, that Mike has no law degree. Mike decides to tell Trevor about him and Jenny, but before he can Trevor hears a Message on Mike’s phone that Rachael left in which she references Jenny as Mike’s girlfriend. The episode ends with Trevor meeting Jessica and telling her there is something that she needs to know about Mike and Harvey. So what will Trevor tell her? Will have to wait until next season to find out.

In the episode we also got to see a little bit of Harvey and Donna’s past and just how well they know each other. It also featured a weird can opener bit, that was not explain but was something having to do with what Donna and Harvey do before a big case.

Suits will return next summer for its second season.

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