Review of Edy’s Slow Churned Rich and Creamy Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

One of the greatest highlights to a warm summer evening is when there is a fresh container of ice cream tucked in the freezer awaiting my retrieval. Ice cream is a guilty pleasure that affects my entire family. My gamut of ice cream purchasing hits all sorts of brands ranging from the economical bucket or bulk size fudge swirl to the small premium Haagen dazs or Ben and Jerry blends. I usually stick to the main flavors such as chocolate, vanilla, mint, and occasionally strawberry. I recently spotted several Edy’s slow churned one and a half quart ice cream varieties on sale, so I opted for the Vanilla Bean at a low price of two dollars and fifty cents.

Physical Traits

There is something fun and whimsical about ice cream companies that serve their goods in a bucket shaped paper carton as opposed to the box shapes. Edy’s runs a smaller size bucket with the fun stripped pattern on the lid. Upon removal of the top to this container reveals an almost skim milk or opaque vanilla ice cream with numerous vanilla bean specks. I don’t ever recall even frozen ice milk being this light colored. I am not sure if this color is attributed to the lower fan slow churn process, but the color does not do much for the appetite.


I served my initial cup of ice cream straight up in a small bowl as I scooped out a one cup portion which equated to two servings (as I was being good with my dinner calorie intake). The first taste was pure enjoyment as the spoon came packed with a good fresh vanilla hit and a very surprising creamy flavor. The texture was also quite smooth for this ice cream as I really had my initial doubts considering the low fat and calorie counts. This is not my first experience with the Edy’s slow churned flavors and will definitely not be the last. While I indulged on this one sans toppings, the rest of the family topped their Edy’s Slow Churned Vanilla bean with hot fudge, whipped cream and a cherry thus negating a pretty healthy dessert.


This ice cream was purchased at a steal at $2.50 and unfortunately will shoot back above three dollars. I would consider this treat a worthy purchase even over three dollars due to the calorie and fat content being much lower than the other brands.

Overall Opinion

Edy’s Vanilla Bean is a definite guilt free treat and a highly recommended purchase. If other people in the home do not seem too crazed over the little bean specks in their ice cream, buy it anyway and dupe them with the toppings.

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