Quick Organic Gardening Techniques for Anyone

As with any type of gardening, organic gardening takes time. There will be a trial and error time and then a steady but gradual learning process. Each season brings new challenges and new triumphs as well. For those who love it, there is no substitute for planning and establishing organic gardening challenges each season.

Early Sowing Indoors

In order to get off to the very best start with organic gardening, many choose to sow seed early in the season and indoors as well. This protects the seed and the young plant from harsh elements that are found outside and gives more of the seedlings a chance to flourish. It can be a bit of a pain to have a bunch of seed cups around, but it really pays off come harvest time. Taking these kinds of early preventative measures helps so much over the long haul and creates a much bigger harvest at the end.

Vertical Growing

A great space-saving technique is known as vertical growing or vertical gardening. This is simply when vine plants are trained to grow upward along a stake or pole. This prevents the vine from overtaking and growing all over the garden. Vines will certainly overrun the garden when not properly trained anyway so it is best to grow them upward, leaving room on the ground for other crops.

Soil Improvement Strategies

People who are truly serious with organic gardening do concentrate on soil improvement strategies. The quality of the soil is indicative of the overall quality of the eventual harvest. Soil is a living thing and it is not something that can be ignored in organic gardening. In order to improve the soil, do regular composting and crop rotation strategies. Before long, eating your own harvest will just be a regular occurrence and the overall health of the family will surely improve greatly as a result.

These are some of the techniques that are beneficial for organic gardeners to work with. It is advantageous t sow seed early and indoors to protect the young plant. Many gardeners find that vertical growing is also a profitable use of space. The very best gardeners know how to use soil improvement strategies. No matter what level of gardener, beginning middle or advanced, everyone enjoys eating their own harvest and that makes it all worthwhile.


Quinn, M. (2007) High Altitude Western Gardening. Layton, Utah: Gibbs Smith Publishing.

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