Preventing Heart Attacks: Tests You May Need

This subject is important to me because it has happened to a close family member. I remember all of the tests that were done “just in case.” They saved my family member’s life.

There is a report out that people who have CT scans tend to have surgery more often than those who have other tests done. While the report thinks this is a bad thing, I’m not so convinced. What I am convinced of is that one test is usually not enough to confirm a need for heart procedures, particularly open heart surgery. Here are some of the tests done that you may want to consider if there is time before action needs to be taken:

Ultrasound: This has come a long way since it was first used to check on a fetus. It can be used to check for blockages in the neck, which could lead to strokes. It is also used to check peripheral arteries for blockages and clots. It’s a very good first test.

Stress Test: Electrodes are attached to your upper body and you are monitored as you walk on a treadmill. For those who can’t walk, a drug is administered to have the same effect. The cardiologist watches how your heart functions during this test. It can give a lot of information. This information may be vital to determining whether or not you have a heart problem.

Angiogram: It’s a rather scary tests, but probably one of the best at determining whether or not there are any blocked coronary arteries. A dye is injected into the blood stream. Then, a camera is inserted into an artery in the groin. It follows the artery back to the heart and shows the condition of the arteries that supply blood to it. This tests can be the most important one, both in showing whether or not the patient has heart disease and in deciding how to treat it.

Sometimes heart problems are an immediate danger. There may not be time for all of these tests under those circumstances. However, if you have a family history of heart disease, these tests and others the doctor recommends could be what stands between you and a heart attack. Besides eating right and getting exercise, you might want to talk to your doctor about them.

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