Perceiving Therapy as a Source of Strength

We’ll be a healthier society when we can perceive a person who seeks therapy as someone who is strong. The suicide rate has dramatically increased across all age groups as mental illness has become more frequent. Substance abuse masks underlying psychological challenges and has been destroying loving families. Although it is those who are strong who seek help, it is unfortunate that social norms often dictate such resistance to this help.

On a recent episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (the season prior to the suicide of one of the cast members), the cast members talked about the “weakness” of going to therapy. It is opinions such as these that cause people to suffer in silence. Things that were said such as “real men can deal with their own problems” and “no one else can tell me how to handle my business” were not only completely ignorant but also infuriating to those who know better.

Obviously, you don’t want anyone to make decisions for you or tell you how to live your life, but it’s possible to become blinded about your life situations and you can limit your perspective to a tunnel vision. Consider the decision to seek mental health treatment as a way to broaden your field of view. Therapy is admitting that you don’t have all the answers right now but that you’re able to figure them out through a therapeutic process.

Therapy will be more effective for you if you’re truly ready to put effort into increasing your own happiness, to look at your life from a different perspective, and to take steps to achieve the results you want. Becoming psychologically fit does take work, but after the transformation is initiated, you’ll be amazed at how minor adjustments in your attitude, approach, and expectations will significantly influence your life.

Don’t be held back by the negative beliefs of others. Don’t let anything stand in your way of getting the help that can make you a happier, healthier individual. Are you ready?

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