Online Degrees in Nursing

Online nursing programs allow nurses to obtain an education while working full-time jobs. This is a common career path for registered nurses seeking to become nurse practitioners. These programs include advanced degrees for nurses in administration, education and a variety of medical specialties.


Administration is a common advancement opportunity for registered nurses. Online programs can prepare students for these positions with courses in preventative care, technological advances and meeting regulatory requirements. Nursing administration also requires training in leadership, organization, healthcare laws and ethics. Nurses with an advanced degree in administration typically work as nursing directors and nursing managers. They work in hospitals, but may also find employment with government agencies, insurance providers and pharmaceutical firms.


Education is another common subject of graduate study for nurses. Online courses for nurse educators include student assessment techniques, teaching methods for the classroom and curriculum design. A nurse educator must also learn the technology needed to teach nursing online. This type of nurse typically finds employment in colleges and universities as well as teaching hospitals. An advanced degree in education is especially beneficial, because these institutions have a chronic shortage of instructors.


A nurse practitioner must hold a master’s degree and specialists must have a doctorate in their specialty. A registered nurse seeking to become a nurse practitioner can easily find online graduate programs in specialties such as acute care, mental health and obstetrics. Online programs are also available for other specialties of nurse practitioners such as anesthesiology, gerontology, midwifery and pediatrics.

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