NTSB Votes to Ban Personal Electronics in Cars

COMMENTARY | A unanimous vote from the National Transportation Safety Board on Tuesday recommended that all states completely ban the use of cell phones and other portable electronic devices by drivers except in emergency situations. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood even called for a national texting ban because he believes that distracted driving from cell phone use is seriously underreported in car accidents. A recent national phone survey reported that half of drivers between 21 and 24 have emailed or texted while behind the wheel.

My state, Nevada, already banned cell phone use while driving a few months back, but drivers may still use hands-free devices in the car. Like many, I am completely capable of handling the phone while driving; however, I know others who do get extremely distracted by just talking on the phone. Many people drive too fast, drive too slow or don’t pay attention to other drivers when talking on their cell phone. I definitely don’t want to be the one hit by that distracted driver, but I also want to be able to receive calls since I receive many that are time-sensitive. The NTSB should at least consider allowing hands-free calls in their ban like Nevada does currently.

I do agree that texting should be absolutely prohibited while driving because it is just too distracting for drivers. I have been guilty of this myself in the past, and my experience leads me to completely support this part of the proposed ban by the NTSB. Violators of the ban should start out paying a small fine, with the fine steadily increasing with every violation. Soon, people wouldn’t be able to afford to text and drive.

My texting-and-driving days have been over for a while. I have barely avoided accidents on multiple occasions due to my distracted driving. Thankfully, I have never been in an accident, but too many narrow misses in the congested traffic of my city has caused me to stop texting or checking email while I drive.

If people absolutely have to text, I recommend finding a place to pull over to the side of the road like I do. Texting and driving just don’t mix.

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