Making New Friends

Good friends are like chosen family. Friendships sustain us through many of life’s crisis. Friendships come about in many ways. Sometimes we meet a new friend at an activity, and when we quit that activity the friendship can end. Sharing common interests is often a friendship starter. We can meet friends at a place of worship, through our children or work. Friendships can last a day or a lifetime.

Some people are content with a small group of friends, and others love to bring new people into their lives.

As we age our friendship needs change. Sometimes good friends are not as available as they were due to problems in their lives.
Starting over with new friends can be extremely challenging. Moving to a new place where people have lived for a long time and have established friendships makes it difficult to break in. You will need to push a little and make yourself available to get involved in activities that may not suit you. The more you see people the more you get to know them and start to share a friendship.

Some suggestions for making new friends:

1. Join a Church
2. Check for activity centers
3. Join the Chamber of Commerce
4. Join clubs and groups that share your interests and favorite activities
6. Be friendly and interested in other people

Not everyone you meet will turn into a rewarding friendship. Try not to make snap judgements about people as they can often surprise you.

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