Klye Bensley , 500 Year Old Vampire Said He was Unwillingly Drugged

The attorney appointed to defend Lyle Monroe Bensley said his client was “drugged”.

While the moon was full Lyle broke into a 58 year old woman ‘s apartment. While she was asleep and bit her several times on the neck. He was growling and hissing as he dragged her down a hall way. He had hit here several times and it was while he was dragging her that she managed to escape.

There are reports that he actually chased her in to the parking lot of her apartment at 7820 Seawall Blvd in Galveston, Texas. She was able to escape with the assistance of a neighbors who got her in their car. They said he ran after them and beat on the windows as they drove away.

Lyle claimed to be a 500 year old vampire and he needed ,”to feed”

His victim called the police and described her attacker as a young male with tattoos all over his body, wearing noting but boxer shorts. He was found hiding in the parking lot.

The EMS nor the police officers thought he was under the influence of drugs but they ordered a mental health evaluation. The mental health receiving personal should have ordered a drug screen as soon as they received him for evaluation.

In my experience as a nurse, within five minutes of receiving him in the healthcare system someone would have an order for a drug screen. Rohynol is still present in the urine for 5 days after it is taken and up to a month in hair samples

He claims he was at a party and was given Rohypnol in the punch served at the party.

My question is:

#1 _ If he received it (Rohyponol) unwillingly, how did he know it was in the punch?

#2_ Rahypnol is a sedative. He must have been super human if he was able to run after a screaming fighting woman and chase a car.



Rohypnol can produce amnesia, or blackouts.

Street names:

Date rape drug, La roche, R2, Rib, Roach, Roofenol, Roofies, Rope, Rophies, Ruffies, The forget pill

What is Rohypnol

Rohypnol is the brand name for a drug called Flunitrazepam, which is a powerful sedative that depresses the central nervous system. Rohypnol is not legally available for prescription in the United States, but is legal in 60 countries worldwide for treatment of insomnia.

What does it look like?

A small white tablet with no taste or odor when dissolved in a drink.

How is it used?

Rohypnol is swallowed as a pill, dissolved in a drink, or snorted. Roofies are frequently used in combination with alcohol and other drugs. They are sometimes taken to enhance a heroin high, or to mellow or ease the experience of coming down from a cocaine or crack high. Used with alcohol, roofies produce disinhibition and amnesia.

What are its short-term effects?

The drug creates a sleepy, relaxed, and drunk feeling that lasts 2 to 8 hours. Other effects may include blackouts, with a compete loss of memory, dizziness and disorientation, nausea, difficulty with motor movements and speaking.

What are its long-term effects?

Rohypnol can produce physical and psychological dependence.

What is its federal classification?

Schedule IV drug and is illegal in the United States

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