Kid Maintenance Tips for the Holidays

Are your kids getting lost in the holiday hustle and bustle? What happened to all that holiday fun you had planned? Are they spending Christmas vacation being dragged through a sea of holiday shoppers? Maybe you need to re-think the way you celebrate the holidays. Why not take a little time to reflect on the reason for the season. Most of all, don’t forget to do a little kid maintenance.

What do I mean by kid maintenance? Of course, your kids aren’t possessions. Still, they need careful maintenance to grow into mature, responsible adults. During the holidays, that means strengthening their roots by spending time with them. One of the best things about the holiday season is spending it with loved ones. Make sure that includes your own children.

Nurture kids Christmas fantasies. Bake some Christmas cookies together. Save a few for Santa. Sip some peppermint hot chocolate. If you have a fireplace, pop some popcorn right over the flames. They make special pans for that. You can find them at camping supply stores and more. Make it a real post-card Christmas. You know, like the ones you had as a kid.

Try to make a few of their wishes come true. You can’t buy kids every single thing they wish for. Most of the time though, you can make at least one wish come true. Remember, presents aren’t the only thing kids may be wishing for. Maybe all they want for Christmas is to play X-Box with Mom and Dad. You’ll never know unless you put forth the effort to find out.

Watch for signs your kids are stressed. Are they maxed out on shopping, wrapping and visiting? Maybe you could take a day off and spend a quiet day at home. Consider building a snowman together or reading a holiday book. Play soothing Christmas songs in the background. Make homemade cards together. Holiday maintenance for kids always includes a little down time.

Kids miss their friends during Christmas vacation. How about inviting them over? Help kids maintain their social skills throughout the holiday season. Remember, the more socialization they practice with friends, the better they’ll get along with crazy Uncle Joe. In turn, holidays spent with family and friends help kids learn to get along with all different kinds of people.

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