Keep Your Dog from Eating Feces

One common problem dog owners face is the gross practice of eating the feces of other dogs. Owners watch in horror as their beloved canine chomps down on poo. It is a habit that is disgusting to humans, but canines have their reasons for this behavior. Sometimes it is for sanitary reasons, can also be for nutritional or anxiety reasons. Identify the reasons behind this behavior and it can be stopped quickly and effectively through simple pre planning and actions.


Dogs will sometimes “clean up” areas through eating the feces of themselves and other dogs. This is especially true with a mother dog and her puppies. It is a natural instinct to keep an area clean to prevent illness. To prevent some of the behavior, keep the area clean. Change bedding frequently. For older dogs, clean up after your pooch as soon as possible. Removing the temptation will break the cycle quickly.

Distraction and Positive Reinforcement

Eating feces with no basic sanitation issues can be a behavioral issue known as pica. Pica is a pull to eat a non-edible object. This pull exists in humans as well with other objects. It is part of a behavioral and eating disorder. Yes, dogs can have behavioral and eating disorders too! It is effective to treat this by using techniques of distraction and positive reinforcement. Whenever your dog moves forward to sniff or eat feces, distract him with a toy or calling him over in a positive manner. When he moves away from the poo give lots of verbal praise. For extra reinforcement, have some dry dog food or other tiny treats in your pocket. Whenever he leaves the poo give him a treat. Do not scold or use negative reinforcement. That will only make anxiety worse and possibly increase the behavior.

Food Addition

One thing that helps is to feed your dog pureed pumpkin once a day mixed with regular food. This should change the texture and the taste of the feces making it less appealing to the dog and other dogs. A few cans of pureed pumpkin from the baking aisle of the supermarket can make a huge difference.

With a little patience and understanding, your dog will break its cycle of eating poo. If one technique does not work after a week or two of trying, move on or try to approach it in different ways. No matter what, stay positive. It will take patience on your part, but success is possible.

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