Hurricane Irene Meets Technology with Hurricane Trackers, Devices for IPads, IPhones, and IPods

New hurricane trackers for iPads , iPhones, and iPods may replace forecasters since technology is making them accurate for those wanting up-to-the minute information on storms such as Hurricane Irene. ABC News reports that various options exist for those with cell phones, computers, and iPods. Hurricane apps are the latest and greatest thing to hit the market.

For $3.99 Hurricane HD allows users to track storms by witnessing moving radar and satellite imagery from the National Hurricane center. Bulletins, tropical forecasts, and advisories for the Atlantic and Pacific basins are obtained on the device. Movement of Hurricane Irene is a major concern for residents of Florida this week.

iMap Weather Radio gives critical updates and voice alerts for weather patterns, threats, and warnings for $9.99.

The latest technology is so up-to-date that at any given time operators of these apps can track where the storms are and what safety precautions they need to heed.

Hurricane Irene is pounding the Atlantic and threatening the Southeast until the end of the week. It has already hit Puerto Rico and is turning its direction toward Florida.

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