How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

So you wake up one morning and find that your significant other is drooling more than normal, the dog is chewing on a severed human foot and the neighbors are running screaming through your front lawn. Public service announcements are telling everyone to calm down and over turned cars burn on the side of the freeway. The difference between today and any other day of the week? Hordes of undead, near lifeless zombies are trying to eat you. Welcome to the zombie apocalypse. It’s going to be a rough week. Here are five important steps to follow if you want to survive long enough to see if the governments super cure is actually going to work.

Find shelter: No matter what’s going on if you stand in the street and wait for things to get better your going to become zombie food sooner over later. You need to find a safe place to set up base. Not your living room, not even your attic. You need somewhere unassuming that is not accessible by the undead and easy to get back to. Quality hiding places are going to be at a premium and should be as close to supplies as possible. You are going to find strong competition for the best spots but a little creativity can help a lot here.

Supplies: Your first priority here is survival. You need food. and as time goes by and government installations shut down, society collapses and basic necessities will become scarce. Stockpiling is important. You need to be as discreet as possible. Other survivors are doing the same thing, and it’s much easier to simply steal your food than risk their own lives against undead armies foraging.

Weapons: It stands to reason that at some point in the near future if you haven’t already you are going to need to defend yourself against zombies. You need weapons. Everyone is going to be ransacking gun shops and sporting goods stores trying to get all the high powered stuff. Whether you decide to become proactive and go on a zombie killing spree massacring everything in site, or barricade yourself inside and catch up on your reading you need to be prepared for the worst. Personally I would recommend quiet reusable ammunition learning to use a compound bow will serve you in the end, as well as becoming adept at close combat knife skills, but nothing gets you out of a jam like a high powered revolver, just make sure you point it the right direction.

Cardio: You are going to be doing more physical activity than probably ever before. It’s a good idea to willingly engage in regular exercise to keep yourself in shape. It may suck now, but when your running for life every extra pound less you have to carry with you is going to make a huge difference. No one knows exactly how fast a zombie is, but you need to be faster.

Networking: At some point whether the apocalypse resolves itself or not, society is going to try and start to rebuild. If you want to survive you stand a lot better chance pooling resources with other survivors. Being choosy here is a good thing. You never know exactly who you can trust. Now is not the time to show off your massive collection of canned goods, and brag about how safe you are in your secret hiding place, but reaching out to other people could reap major rewards.

If the zombie apocalypse does happen, stay calm. The best way to avoid becoming undead yourself, or worse, just dead, is to keep your head straight and stay prepared. You can survive if you have a plan.

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