How to Go Gray Naturally

Should you go gray or should you color your hair? It’s a question women have to face as they age. That decision is a personal one, depending on what works best for you. While some women continue to color their hair throughout their golden years, others choose to gray, gracefully – even in their 30s and 40s.

Many younger women who turn prematurely gray have chosen to go natural rather than cover up the gray. Only a few years ago, gray hair was something to hide, as it was associated with getting old. However, today’s baby boomers are flaunting their gray tresses, making it stylish, including celebrities like Jamie Lee Curtis. Other celebrities, including Michelle Pfeiffer and Barbara Walters, have chosen to cover their gray hair up by going blonde.

How Your Hair Turns Gray

Gray isn’t really a color. On the other hand, hair color pigments range from shades of white, red, brown, and black. Pigment from hair color comes from melanin (located in hair follicles). Because the human body produces less melanin with age, hair becomes gray as one grows older.
Why Do Some People Turn Gray Earlier Than Others?

Heredity – It’s in the genes. Stress and life situations – Mothers who blame their teens for premature gray hairs have a point. Stress hormones can interfere with hair cells, making it hard (or impossible) for the pigments (which maintain the original hair color) to survive. When the pigments vanish, one or more gray hairs appear. The article goes on to explain how eating foods rich in the amino acids (such as peanuts and yogurt) can help reduce stress, slowing down the graying process.

Tips for Going Gray

There are women who look stunning in gray hair, while others appear older than their chronological age. It’s not just deciding to go gray, but how to do it and look your best.

Work out a plan with a beautician – First, sit down with a hair color specialist to iron out the best plan, based on your hair’s particular needs. Be sure to see your beautician at regular appointments to monitor how the graying process is unfolding. It could be she (or he) may suggest adding lowlights and/or glosses for definition and shine. Deep condition hair regularly – Because gray can tend to appear dry and brittle, it’s important to deep condition it. This makes it silky, as well as softer. The better conditioned you keep your gray hair, the better it will work if you opt for a longer cut. Even older women today are looking stunning with longer gray locks. Update hair with a good cut – Besides getting a new look in color, it’s also an excellent idea to update an old haircut. Try something new that will enhance gray hair. Use specific beauty products for maintenance- Because gray hair needs careful maintenance, check with a beautician for the best products for maintaining your gray hair. Update makeup – Going gray affects the appearance of makeup, so it’s good to make some adjustments. Use a tad more blush than when you weren’t gray. Adding a bit more pizzazz to makeup prevents a washed-out look.

Finally, if for some reason you’re not happy with gray hair, you can always go back to coloring it. However, you’ll never know if gray works for you until you try. You just may like it.

Originally published on Suite 101.

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