How to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Many a frustrated dieter has struggled to get rid of belly fat, investing in “miracle” supplements, as well as special exercise equipment to trim pounds from their bellies. However, it’s not by buying fancy tools or taking a magic bill that belly fat dissolves.

It’s by eating properly, as well as toning your stomach that you can shed belly fat. Besides being unattractive, belly fat is also unhealthy, as you put yourself at risk for diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, as well as some types of cancer.

Cut out Bad Habits

Say goodbye to smoking, drinking, and stress–Bad habits such as smoking and excessive drinking can result in a spreading middle section. Contrary to what you may believe, smoking and drinking don’t keep you thin, but these bad habits can actually give you belly fat. That’s probably because of cortisol, a stress hormone.

You can also increase cortisol when you’re stressed, so getting easily upset is another bad habit to break. Cortisol levels are also raised by alcohol, explaining why many drinkers struggle with beer bellies.

Drink More Water

Although you should cut back (or cut out) drinking alcohol, drinking more water helps shrink your belly. Rather than increase bloating, it helps reduce it. At first, it may be uncomfortable to drink at least six 8-ounce glasses of water a day, but after awhile you’ll discover you’ll make fewer trips to the restroom. In addition, you’ll start feeling better.

Originally published on Suite 101.

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