How to Fix the Broken Stems of Flowers

Cut flowers are absolutely gorgeous, and the stems are sometimes just as fragile as the petals and foliage. They can snap off and become broken rather easily, but they can also be saved. Do not resort to using a shorter vase or trimming all of the cuttings. Use one of these easy ways to fix the broken stems of cut flowers, and keep them looking healthy and strong for days on end.

Fix the Flowers with Drinking Straws

One of the easiest ways to lengthen flowers in an arrangement or fix broken stems is with drinking straws. Green straws are preferable, but any color will work. Simply place each broken stem into a straw, and attach it with green florist tape, medical tape or masking tape. Trim the straws to make the stems the same length as the flowers that were not damaged. Make sure the level of the water reaches the area where the stem was broken off and it will stay as fresh as long as the other flowers.

Use Green Florist Tape to Fix the Flowers

When flowers are broken and limp but not completely broken in half, use green florist tape to give them strength and repair the damage. Florist tape is cheap, and it is the best option for fixing broken stems, but if it is not available other types of tape can be used. Try the medical variety or masking tape as directed above. Color it green to match the stems and it will likely go unnoticed.

Attach Wooden Skewers to Broken Stems

If broken flowers require more support, attach wooden skewers of the appropriate length to each stem with a little florist tape. Use a mini handsaw to trim skewers as necessary, and firmly wind green florist tape or one of the aforementioned varieties around both the stems and the skewers. The stems of the flowers will look wider, but this will not deter from the beautiful blooms. Fill in the spaces between the cut flowers with lacy fern branches and baby’s breath to conceal the repairs and make the arrangement appear fuller and as beautiful as ever.

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