How to Fight a Sore Throat

When battling sore throats, often people are too quick to rush to the doctor, demanding an antibiotic to get well quickly. But this is not always a good choice. Whereas years ago doctors used to prescribe antibiotics for sore throats caused by viruses, now they’ll usually only prescribe a prescription for a nasal spray that clears out your sinuses.

Viral or Bacterial Infection?

Doctors first have to determine if the sore throat is caused by a virus or a bacterial infection.

Viral infection-–Most sore throats occur because of viruses in the upper respiratory tract. Usually, your physician can tell if your throat is strep related or not by noting if you have congestion (as well as by taking a throat culture.) If you’re highly congested, chances are it’s an upper respiratory problem, and not strep throat. A viral sore throat infection is a sharp inflammation of the mucous membrane of the lower pharynx, resulting in painful swallowing. Other symptoms may include throat tightness and a burning sensation. Mucous membranes may discharge secretions, or on the other hand, the throat may be dry.

Bacterial infection—On the other hand, if a bacterial infection is found from doing a throat culture, you have strep throat and need an antibiotic.

Overuse of Antibiotics

When your throat hurts, you just want a quick fix to correct the problem and feel normal again. However overusing antibiotics can actually make bacteria less receptive to available antibiotics. In other words, by getting an antibiotic you can weaken your body’s defense system in fighting bacteria.

Remedies for Viral Sore Throat Infections

Gargle with salt water. Mix one teaspoon of salt in eight ounces of hot water. Gargle the mixture several times daily. This works because it increases the blood supply to areas by washing away mucus, as well as dilating capillaries, allowing for better circulation of infection-fighting antibodies.
Gargle with cayenne powder. This remedy may sound strange, but it actually works. Add ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper to 1 cup of boiling water. Stir well and gargle. You don’t taste the cayenne, although it may burn just a little when you spit it out of the tip of your tongue. But, you can always rinse it out quickly with water. Just don’t gargle away the fresh water as you’ll want the cayenne to stay on your throat to soothe the pain. If this still makes you cringe, try adding 2 parts peppermint leaves to 1 part cayenne. Gargle with lemon juice. Add the juice of one lemon and one teaspoon of salt to one cup of warm water. Gargle three times a day for one minute. Gargle with mouthwash. Besides refreshing your mouth, gargling with mouthwash kills germs. Hot chamomile tea — Add 1 or 2 teaspoons of dried chamomile blossoms to a pint of boiling water. Drink a cup every few hours. By doing drinking hot tea you can clear out the mucous.
Honey and boiled water drink – Boil water and add honey. Stir and when the solution cools, let it slide down your throat, coating the sore glands. Ginger and honey solution. — Grate a spoonful of fresh ginger and add only a tad of honey. Hold this mixture in the back of your throat for a little while and then swallow. It this agrees with you, repeat the procedure four times daily.

Most of all, add patience. A sore throat usually doesn’t go away immediately. But just keep telling yourself, “This won’t last forever.” If you get plenty of rest and develop a good mental attitude, you’ll heal faster.

Originally published on Suite 101.

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