How to Create a Vision Board

Creating a vision board, is relatively easy. The catch is actually doing it. I’m sure we have all heard countless times that it is a good idea to write down your goals, desires and dreams. This in turn will keep you on track when life gets hectic.

I’m sure you have a few goals stored up in that brain of yours, but we tend to forget the details if we don’t get them down in some form or fashion. A vision board is taking your written goals to the next level. Adding an image to your goals is a sure-fire way of keeping you motivated and ultimately achieving that vision.

Here are a few steps to get you on your way of making your dreams come true. Before you jump into creating your vision board, you may want to head to you local store and grab a few items. I suggest a corkboard, tape and a pack of tacs. Picking up a few of your favorite magazines can’t hurt either.

Step 1 – Figure out what you want to put on your vision board. That may seem elementary, but when you come to that point, you may find yourself scratching your head. Think about what it is you want to accomplish. I like to make my vision board at the beginning of the year, that way I can find images that relate to my one-year goals. I do have a friend who updates her goal board every 6 months. Short-term goals work better for her, I always say, do whatever works best for you and accomplishing your dreams.

Step 2 – Grab pictures from magazines, Internet or even snapshots. I like to browse the Internet for pictures related to my goals. So when I find that perfect picture, I download it onto my computer and print it out. Flipping through a few magazines and old photos is helpful as well.

Step 3 – Organize and place on your corkboard. I like to organize my vision board in sections. I divide them up between my relationship goals, financial goals as well as career goals. This helps to focus and visualize on one aspect of my life

Of course, do what makes you most comfortable because at the end of the day it’s your vision board.

Good luck, and remember, the first and most crucial step is doing it.

Source: Personal

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