It’s not simple. It’s not easy. It takes constant effort.

It takes knowing a lot.

Paying attention constantly is required.

I’ve stopped writing. I’ve re-read the above five times. I find those five statements absolute truth. They make me happy. To be accurate, I make myself happy believing them. They are my truth.

I am a totally unique individual. You are too. My truth may not be your truth.

I choose to continue writing. I am free to stop at any moment. You are free to stop reading right now. Make a conscious, deliberate choice.

I make myself happy by making decisions, choosing, with as many of my breaths as possible. I make thousands of conscious aware choices every day.

More than enough for a first chapter!! Anyone who really tries to make as many conscious decisions a day as possible is on their way to happiness.

For the rest of the day, I’ll try to stay aware of every breath and how I take it. I’ll come back to that awareness every time I lose it. I’ll be making myself happy doing that.

I’ll come back tomorrow and write another chapter. There is far more in this one for you to practice, to put into practice, to make real in your life than you can possibly manage. I hope you stop and read no further and begin making yourself happy right now.

Hasta manana!

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