Home Remedies for a Cough

Coughing is probably one of the most annoying factors in dealing with a cold or the flu. It keeps everyone awake, it hurts and it doesn’t always do anything helpful. Finding a way to deal with it is very important.

Honey and Lemon: A fifty-fifty mixture of honey and lemon can make an effective cough remedy. It’s also a lot tastier than many of the store bought variety. A tablespoon can be given every one to two hours. There is one caveat. Don’t give honey to a child under a year old.

Cinnamon: I use a mixture of stick cinnamon, cloves and allspice for coughs. The warmth of the tea and the eugenol in the spices can help deal with the coughing. This mixture doesn’t usually make a sore throat worse, so go ahead and try it if you’re dealing with both issues.

Cinnamon can bring on intense sweating. This is actually a good thing, as it can help boost your immune system. However, be sure to stay wrapped up, as you don’t need to add a chill to your other problems.

If you are a diabetic, use caution with cinnamon. It can affect blood sugar levels and interfere with diabetes medications. Ask your doctor if it’s safe and how much you can use per day.

Ginger: If there is no sore throat, I often add a couple of quarter sized slices of fresh ginger. This is very spicy and at first may make the cough worse. However, it may also help bring up any phlegm in the lungs.

Cough Drops: Many cough drops can be used by children. However, those containing eucalyptus have some strong warnings. Never use anything that smells like eucalyptus around children under two, and that includes vaporub. Children under six should not use cough drops containing this plant. Serious problems can result.

Vaporub: The aromatics in these products can help with chest congestion and to clear a stuffy nose. If you choose to use vaporub, make sure to stay warm. Like cinnamon, you could cause yourself more harm than good if you rub it on and don’t stay wrapped up.

Humidifiers. Some coughs are due to dry air. This is especially true for asthmatics. A humidifier may provide enough moisture in the air to keep the cough at bay.

The most important thing you can do for a cough is to find out why you have it. Some serious diseases and conditions can cause coughing. These can only be treated by a doctor. There are also some medications that cause intense coughing as a side effect. Your doctor can tell you what the problem is and advise you on how to deal with it safely.

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