Historical Reality Check

Best US Presidents: (Eisenhower to present) Best President ever, Bill Clinton, who got the economy moving again afterGeorge H. Bush messed it all up, got the military strong again, lots of prosperity both for individuals and corporations, got the nation completely out of debt (NO national debt), held the line on corporate take-overs, and listened to all ideas, including mine. He wrote to me frequently in his own handwriting that has been verified by experts as his. Easily the most intelligent of all Presidents, everyone wanted a third term for him, but we were willing to settle for his wife. My idea to run Gore and Hillary.

JohnF. Kennedy, second-best President ever, made it clear that hard work and smart ideas were the benchmark of the USA, and that the government had a back-up role of caring for the poor. Banned racism and sexism. Established relations with the most intelligent citizens of other planets, secretly. Those civilizations demanded we prove that we are space-capable, which puts us in a different class, sort of like being a nuclear power. Permitted labor unions to flourish, so that employees could share in the national wealth. Emphasized quality of products, to justify higher prices for US goods abroad, and thus higher salaries for its workers. Presided over an era of economic and technological prosperity. Setup the beginnings of MediCare, water flouridation, human rights, civil rights, and a fairer system of “justice”. 100 years after President Lincoln, it was Kennedy who really freed the slaves!

Worst US Presidents: The worst President ever was Tricky Dick, perhaps the most criminal and evil man ever to run for any public office, Richard M. Nixon. He allowed secret Mafia organizations to take over the government completely, turned the Vietnam War into a game of cheating taxpayers to benefit billionaires, raped the treasury and economy, stifled labor unions, caused an economic recession that we are still trying to get out of, established official lies about inflation and unemployment, killed John and Robert Kennedy, killed Martin Luther King, Jr., bugged the Democratic Watergate Headquarters and got caught, lied in the Checkers Scandal about receiving bribes, turned the FBI and CIA into organizations that disregard all laws and routinely commit crimes themselves, and resigned to place an equally-corrupt President (Ford) in his place. Most, if not all, of our nation’s present problems arise out of things Nixon did. He was very intelligent, but a world-class liar, murderer, and criminal, unlike the next Presidential example, who is the only US President ever to FAIL an IQ test.

The second-worst President in history is George W. Bush, who established more power for corrupt mafia-related religious groups in the Religious Right, curtailed broadcast freedom with new FCC rules, raped the old Bankruptcy laws in favor of the rich, established banking laws that allowed both corruption and theft, collapsed both the banking and real estate systems, made all nations and all people on earth despise the United States and all of its citizens (they are still trying to kill all of us), caused three wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, and Terror), decimated and destroyed the military, raped the economy with no-bid government contracts selling billion-dolllar pencils produced for a penny each by his cronies, covered up the Mad Cow Disease scandal, forced the news media to tout government lies, flushed the economy down the toilet causing the greatest Economic Depression ever (far worse than the Hoover Depression of the 1930s), murdered Wall Street even while selling out to the owners of the major corporations and Special Interests at the same time, rigged the voting machines in 2 Presidential elections in order to have himself win despite only getting about 10% of the vote, sold out to oil interests in order to quadruple the price of gasoline, got his college roommate elected President of Afghanistan as the only candidate on the ballot (no write-ins accepted), pissed off nearly all the American people, caused tens of thousands of suicides related to real estate foreclosure and homelessness, went power-mad trying to suck political power into his presidency as a dictator, took the country from debt-free under President Clinton to thoroughly and forever bankrupt, and eliminated all freedoms against wiretaps and computer snooping. WHAT A TURD!

Our third-worst President ever, Ronald Reagan, established the rigging of voting machines instead of counting votes as the norm in elections, closed the mental hospitals in order to place the mentally ill on the streets with the homeless (in order to make people think that the homeless were mentally ill), routinely had millions of people convicted of crimes that they did not commit in order to force political repression, established more power for corrupt mafia religious organizations controlling the public and private sectors, and without Reagan corrupting the voting process it would have not been possible to elect George W. Bush president. Reagan was the bridge between the corruption of Nixon-Ford (you never heard anything bad about Ford because his Mormon Mafia runs the news media) and the other side of that bridge at George W. Bush. They continue with the Tea Party, Religious Right, and thousands of fake nonprofits.

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