Government Arrogance on 9/11

For those working in firefighting or law enforcement or retired and have taken the time to step back few feet to see a better picture of what is happening to our society must understand the purpose of this article and why it is most controversial in nature. The upcoming anniversary of the dreadful and brutal attack on the Twin Towers on September 11th opens up our eyes even further since the event occurred. The truth of what happened on this day has a mixed message for many first responders, firemen, police officers and many more, working ground zero who were hailed heroes, given accolades from government officials including the President of the United States and decorated with medal and ribbons for their bravery and disregard for their own safety that day. Those who didn’t survive as first responders were honored the very same way posthumously through their spouses and families as many years passed since this tragedy.

Today, ten years later, this attitude of gratitude and recognizing the needs of the first responders has faded away into the mist. First responders,coping with the after effects of the crisis and inundated with health problems because of their imminent proximity of the fire, smoke, toxic fumes, asbestos and other contaminants, are shunned from the upcoming ceremonies. It is true that many filed claims for treatment to recover costing the government large expenses in taking care of their healthcare and other supportive treatments. However, those costs are only proper given what they went through during the chaos and what they have done. As many first responders have died or are dying, their families are left behind to pick up and take care of business without the fullest support of our government who has turned their back to these victims of the calamity.

Recently, the story was published by Fox News indicating the families of first responders are not being invited to the 9 11 ceremony. It took a lot of effort for the Congress to recognize the need to fund this treatment for first responders and it took a public outcry to get the legislation passed. Strange that the government of today, its politicians and our great leaders have snubbed those who sacrificed their own safety and risked their lives to rescue others trapped inside the ground zero genocide are now written off as not significant enough for an invitation to the anniversary of this tragic event. It appears that the government has decided to marginalize [including the loss of life] their efforts during the disaster to justify the means of not inviting them to attend. Its arrogance, faux or artificial public appearances of appreciation have worn off and today decided to discard these heroes by “kicking them to the curb” and keeping them away for the day.


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