Golden or Silver Anniversary Pillow

Say you don’t do stitch work so a nice pillow to celebrate a loved one’s 25 th or 50 th wedding anniversary is out of the question? Well, embroidery is a dying art form but that’s because it’s so much easier to create embroidered gifts now. You just fake it! If you can sew a few stitches on your machine, and you know how to use glue, you’re going to be able to make your loved one the most beautiful pillow to celebrate a silver or golden anniversary.

Silver or gold on white is a beautiful effect but you can also do the fake embroidery on a gold or silver pillow – or another color. Satin is a nice selection for the fabric but you have other choices, including linen or cotton types.

Cut two squares of fabric to be 12″x12″. Choose one of them to be the front of the pillow and decide on the design you want to give it. You can just make a large “25” or “50” on it, or you can design something else. Even if you just make a number on the pillow you can make a circle or heart around it, or further embellish with additional designs.

Use fabric glue to give the look of embroidery on the pillow. Use small-diameter cord to create the monogram or other design. Simply draw the design onto the pillow and outline it with fabric glue – straight from the squeeze bottle. Go easy on the glue; it shouldn’t ooze out from the sides of the cord. Press the end of the cord into the glue then begin attaching it to the remainder of the design.

When the glue has dried stack the two pillow squares so that their right sides are facing each other. Pin them together. If you’ll be using roping to outline the pillow, place it between the layers of the pillow, and pin everything in place.

Start sewing a few inches from one corner. Sew over to that first corner, up the side, across the top, and down the opposite side, then around the last corner. Leave a large space between this area where you stop, and the area where you started, so you can turn the pillow. Turn it right-side-out, stuff it with quilt batting, then sew the opening shut.

This anniversary pillow is very easy to make but looks exquisite. It’s an absolutely gorgeous way to gift the long-married couple on a 25 th or 50 th anniversary. Hopefully, one day, you’ll get one too!

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