God’s Message Today: Changing Negative Thoughts

Matthew 7:7

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you”
To say that times are tough may be an understatement for many of you, myself included. Past religious training states God will never give us a cross that we are unable to bear. I found comfort many times knowing that God helps me bear these crosses that became too heavy. Yet during these times, Matthew 7:7 eludes me. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” This quote causes me to reevaluate – what am I really asking God? Am I just expecting help to carry this load? Do I expect it to stay around for awhile keeping me entrenched? Should I be asking for change instead?

Many of us are consumed by negative thoughts each day. Just try counting how many negative thoughts loop your brain each day depending on the amount of stress you experience. You just can’t keep up! These thoughts wreck havoc on our disposition and personal outcomes daily. This week you will become aware of these negative thoughts and begin switching each one to a positive one. Then, knowing what positive change we want, we will begin seeking God’s help.

1. Keep a pad of paper near you, write in your ipad, or jump to an online journal . It is very important that you record each negative thought from Monday thru Friday of this week. Continue doing this for as many weeks as need. Remember it takes 30 days to form a new habit.
2. Make two columns titled Negative Thoughts and Positive Thoughts. Write down each negative thought you have, and next to it change it to positive one. Don’t worry if a positive thought can’t be found immediately, just ensure you visit it at night when you have more time and energy.
3. Begin to pray for these positive thoughts.

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