Facebook Block Feature: Not so Social Networking

I’m glad facebook has a block feature. It keeps me from interacting with spammers, scammers and pervs. I have nothing against it being used for that purpose. On the other hand, I think it’s too often misused. I think it’s just too easy to block someone out of your facebook life. I think sometimes the facebook block feature simply isn’t so social. After all, there are numerous kinds of people in the world. Shouldn’t we learn to get along with everyone in a civilized manner? Isn’t that the definition of being social? What is a social network for, if not to use and refine your social skills?

Have you ever blocked someone because they were too negative? It’s much easier than accepting the world for what it is, right? The world is chock full of negative people. You can’t block them all. Well you could, but who’d be left to interact with? We’re all negative at one time or another. A facebook friend of mine calls overly positive people rainbow sprinkled ponies. Me, I don’t think those ponies exist. Everyone has a bad day sometimes. Everyone spouts off occasionally. How about cutting them some slack?

Aren’t your friends and relatives embarrassing sometimes? In fact, they likely aggravate you more than all your facebook friends put together. Does that mean you should block them on facebook? No, it means you care about them. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be so concerned. Would you block them in real life? If so, you have a lot to learn about being social. Why not reach out to them instead? How about a little tolerance? Don’t worry if they post something that embarrasses you. Nobody’s perfect, even you. In fact, maybe you embarrass them. Should they block you on facebook?

How about that politically incorrect person? Are you sure they’re politically incorrect? Maybe you just don’t agree with their politics. Maybe you should find some other common interests. Better yet, why not be a little more open minded? Surely, they must have some intelligence or they wouldn’t be your facebook friend to begin with. You can learn from the opposing viewpoint. Sometimes they’re even right. You might disagree about one thing, that doesn’t mean you won’t agree on everything. Shocking, isn’t it?

A small disagreement is no reason to block someone. I disagree with my friends all the time. That doesn’t mean I care about them any less. It just means we have opposing opinions. I have left facebook groups that weren’t a good fit for me, but I’ve never blocked someone simply because I disagreed with their beliefs. That would be ridiculous. No two people ever agree on absolutely everything. If you shut everyone out of your life, who will you talk to?

What will we block next? Why not simply block out everything in our lives that’s out of line with our beliefs? After all, everything is written in black and white, just like those old sitcoms, right? Or maybe you prefer the Stepford Wives analogy ? We should all strive to think the same way, act the same way, talk the same way and dress the same way. We should all vote for the same people and attend the same church too.

For that matter, why vote at all? Why have any opinion about anything at all? Thinking is too hard anyway. In my opinion, blocking your facebook friends (barring abuse and harassment) is just another form of social withdrawal. Don’t block your facebook friends. Embrace their differences. They make life interesting. Whether you agree with them or not.

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