Elder Scrolls Skyrim Mods: Dragon Riding

With the November 11th release of Elder Scrolls Skyrim just over the horizon, many gamers have went back to playing Oblivion as a gap filler. Elder Scrolls Oblivion had more user created mods than nearly any other game on the market. You could alter and edit absolutely everything about the world with a very user friendly interface. This begs the question: what can we expect out of Elder Scrolls Skyrim mods?

With unscripted dragons finally becoming a dream come true, everyone is asking the same questions. We want to know whether or not we can ride them! Sadly, the Skyrim team has already announced that there will be no “dragon riding” happening in the game. This did not bother many of the company’s long term fans because they knew that user modification would take care of the problem. That happens to be exactly what you can expect in the first batch of user mods to go online too – Dragon riding mods, saddle mods, whatever you want to call it. It’s going to be amazing.

Why is everyone so hyped about the possibility of a dragon riding mod in Skyrim, though? I think it’s a deep seated fantasy that lives inside the mind of any true fantasy gamer. The ultimate power, the ultimate beast – a dragon – harnessed and saddled, soaring with you through the air. You can picture it, you can capture a little of what it might actually feel like… and you’ll love it. That’s why. Because in the dark of night when no one is around to hear you, you’ll never be able to deny that you occasionally slam the desk, look to the ceiling with wild eyes, and scream: “I AM THE DRAGON GOD!!!”.

Indeed. The first batch of Skyrim mods will surely bring with them the ability to saddle and harness dragons for our flying leisure. Everyone is looking forward to it, and the more it gets out there, the harder the loving game mods will work for us. Let them know what you want, and nine times out of ten you’ll receive it. See you in the skies, O’ Lord of Dragons!

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