Developing a Home Selling Plan

Selling a home can be stressful when it is not properly prepared. A home that is on the market for more than five weeks begins to lose interest with buyers. Before you place your home up for sale you should develop a selling plan that can increase your chances of selling your home quickly.

Reasons for Selling

Many reasons exist for the need to sell your home. You may have a second home that is in another state or a house that was inherited. Another reason may be that you are getting a divorce and need to sell the home fast to complete the settlement process. Whichever reason you have for selling your house now, it will need to be evaluated.

Home Assessments

Contact a local real estate agent in your area. Ask the agent to provide a real estate assessment for your home. If the agent agrees, you will be provided with suggestions for ideas and improvement tips to use to sell your home quickly. The insurance agent may also provide you with comparison prices of homes for sale in your neighborhood. Make a list of any pointers that a real estate agent may point out for the home.

Maintenance Issues

Make a list of all the the projects or problem areas that exist in your home. Determine how much it will cost to complete the project and the return on investment when you sell the home. If you do not make a point to fix minor problems, then a potential buyer may not be interested in buying your home. A buyer typically does not want to see issues that need attention when considering the purchase of a house.

Home Decoration

Examine the current decor of your home and see if it appears dated to a specific decade. To sell a home quickly you need to have a decor that will appeal to a wide range of buyers. You need to determine the amount of work that you want to put into updating one or more rooms in your home. Spending a small amount to make needed updates you have a better chance of selling your home faster.

Remove the Clutter

Clutter that has collected in your home will need to be cleaned and removed before you take pictures or show your house to potential buyers. Buyers do not want to see a wall full of pictures or decorations on your tables. When a house is cleaned of clutter, a buyer can visualize how they want it to look. Once all of the clutter is removed you will need to thoroughly clean all of the rooms. This includes wiping down your kitchen appliances and bathroom amenities.

Home Staging

Selling your home quickly depends on how it looks to potential buyers. If you are unsure how you need to stage your home, you can use a home-staging professional.


If you do not want to update your home, then be willing to accept a lower asking price from a buyer.

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