Denim Wallet

Go get a pair of old jeans you don’t wear – or better yet, a denim skirt – and turn it into a fashionable denim wallet you can carry for years. It’s quite easy to make a denim wallet, as long as you have a machine capable of sewing the thick fabric. It won’t take much denim to make a simplistic wallet and you’ll need very little skill. So, start with a clean denim garment and you’ll soon have your new wallet.

You’ll need an upholstery machine, or a machine capable of sewing very thick fabric, in order to make the blue jean wallet. Start by cutting two rectangles from the cloth. It’s up to you the exact size you make for your wallet. Here, we’ll start with two pieces of denim, each cut to be 6″ x 13-½”. On one of the short ends, cut the fabric to come to a point.

Sew up one long side of the fabric, across the pointed end, and down the other side of the cloth. Turn the pouch right-side-out. Tuck the open edges under a half-inch, then sew the opening shut. Just before sewing the opening closed, slide in a piece of thin cardboard, which is almost as wide as the fabric, but only two-thirds as long. Position the end of the cardboard close to the open end of the denim. Sew the open end shut, making sure not to sew over the cardboard. Start at one corner by the opening you sewed shut and sew around the three sides of the wallet to create a top stitch that will match the short side.

Set the denim in front of you so that the straight, short side faces you. Fold the side facing you up towards the opposite side. Fold the end opposite of you, over, so that you create a tri-fold, and so that the pointed end is on top. Pin and sew down the sides.

Sew a snap, Velcro, or other fastener to the wallet. After that, you can decide how you want the denim to look. You can sew scraps of fabric onto the wallet, sew or glue on welt, or even draw on the wallet with paint markers.

The cardboard insert makes sure you end up with a stiff wallet suitable for holding up for years. The denim is fashionable and makes a great accessory for a woman or a girl.

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